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Dr. Mario voting

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2000 12:30 pm
by stephen krogman
I played my game on a setting of Medium because I felt it is more like a default setting. We could start a voting to determine which difficulty to play on but what I like the most is to have this game split into the 3 different catagories for each difficulty setting. Reason why is because the game is different between each setting and although an easy setting may make the game marathonable, a hard setting will make it near impossible to marathon. I also recommend allowing the player to start at any level he or she wants to which makes it more of a personal challenge. Frankly, I like to start at 0 and maximize my score as I climb higher in the stages. 84 viruses is the most the game will allow on one screen at anytime so why would someone want to start on this level when the game could be over in a fraction of a sec.? When I did my record score 9 years ago which was set on Medium difficulty, I got 899,500 and cleared many stages with 84 viruses on it. 300 units makes the game interesting. It's alot more challenging but I still would prefer playing the game without any time limit. Hopfully the original will be emulated someday soon.

Steve Krogman
