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Tugboat arcade game - Anybody remember it?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2000 12:30 pm
by Aaron Pieper
There was this old arcade game called "TugBoat" where you sailed down a river in a tugboat and you had to avoid logs. There was a horn button which you were supposed to be able to use to get other boats to move, if they were in your way. The game was at a Chuck 'E' Cheese near my house and I played it a few times. I don't remember being able to get past level 3, on which there was a big unbroken wall of logs.

Oh well. Anybody else remember "TugBoat"? It's not available on MAME yet...


Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 12:30 pm
by Jaron Smith
YES!! I remember Tugboat! I wish I knew if there was any way to find
it again to buy. Where do old arcade games go when they die? I have
memories of playing the game at a local pizza parlor every friday
night. We got past level 3 though, I remember crowds of kids gathered
around as I chugged along. It was such a fun game. I remember it
being like half the size of a regular arcade game. Anybody who has
input, email me at!
