How about moving btime to different settings as well?

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Moderator: Chad

J.D. Lowe

How about moving btime to different settings as well?

Post by J.D. Lowe »

OK, we all have heard the complaints about how btime takes no skill at all, blah blah blah ;)

Although TG has not made btime a 5 men game, I think we should consider that; btime for 5 men, btime2 for men at 20K, and btimem for men at 30K or something.




J.D. Lowe


P.S. The reason that this has come to my attention; I've found a glitch that you guys already know about, but haven't mentioned. I believe that the counter that keeps control of lives rolls over at a certain point. I lost 2 games today because of that (perfect level 16, and brushed against a bad guy in level 17; game over :( ) GB9, could this be considered for the weird page?
