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Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:05 pm
by simpsons99
Hello Guys

With the Last couple Versions of Mame 154 and 155 now .. It does not record the Inp .. When I got to look at the recorded Inp .. It only says 1 inp .

I watch it quickly ends on boot up and starts playing the game like Normal .

What going on here? Anyone have a clue?

Thanks for the help guys

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:20 pm
by simpsons99
Well I guess after wolf 106 and 153 no longer work.. I guess I will not be playing anymore .. Thanks guys for looking and not saying anything

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:58 pm
by mahlemiut
Well, clearly, 0.155 works for others. A bit more detail on the issue would be helpful. Any useful info output to the console, preferably with -verbose active, would be a start.

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:13 am
by simpsons99
First post I tried telling what is going on..

It does not record anything .. inp recorded amount stays at 1 .
for some reason it does not record anything and quickly stops
It did this with with 154 also

The is the Wolf Mame down loaded from here ..

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:18 am
by mahlemiut
Not sure what you mean by "inp recorded amount stays at 1" MAME does not record how often you make a recording.

Otherwise you're effectively saying "it's not working" without giving any detail. I'm not a psychic.

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:58 am
by simpsons99
here's a screen shot

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:17 am
by mahlemiut
Ok, so the file is created, and is only 1kB in size.

The only reason recording would stop is because you either are out of disk space, or have pressed F3.

Console output would still be useful.

Also, bonus tip: second parameter of record.bat is the INP filename. Use it. Non-Windows treat files starting with a '.' as hidden.

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:15 am
by xelnia
Trying to get Mr. Simpsons to record correctly is a losing effort (see this thread). He will not provide console output since he doesn't know what that means or how to do it.

There is a difference, however, in how MAME is recording INPs based on the method he is using. In 153, double-clicking on the "record.bat" file will open the basic MAME GUI and you can select a game and record a full INP that will be named ".inp" in Windows. However, in 154 and 155 it has stopped recording and now just creates a 1 kb INP with a header and nothing else (regardless of disk space or game length). If you open a 153 INP generated this way in a hex editor the header lists the game. In 154 and 155 the header shows "___empty" as the game. I have no clue why this is happening, but this is the real "issue" Brian is having.

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:06 am
by mahlemiut
'___empty' is likely the shortname for the dummy driver used when no driver has yet been selected. Guess I'll have to add some sort of parameter checking, although that'll probably just annoy him more, because he won't be reading any output from any batch file. :)

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:23 pm
by simpsons99
nope no problems with disk space or pushing F3 ... I never pushed F3 In Mame

I do not get this Console your speaking of? I told you WolfMame 154 and 155 both downloaded from here ..

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:59 pm
by BeeJay
mahlemiut wrote:'___empty' is likely the shortname for the dummy driver used when no driver has yet been selected. Guess I'll have to add some sort of parameter checking, although that'll probably just annoy him more, because he won't be reading any output from any batch file. :)
Maybe something like:

Code: Select all

if %1 = "" goto GetGameName
set GameName = %1
goto CheckInpName

set /p GameName="Enter game name to record:  "

if %2 = "" goto GetInpName
set InpName = %2
goto DoRecording

set /p InpName = "Enter inp name"

mame %GameName% -record %InpName%.inp
That way, anyone using the record.bat file as intended, from the command prompt and supplying the game & inp names, will work as expected without seeing any annoying prompts asking for the game name and those who want to just double click on the bat file with their mouse, or equivalent, will get prompts asking for the game name and inp name. :)

That's assuming you do actually take the game name and the inp name as parameters 1 & 2 respectively in the record.bat file?!?


PS: I haven't actually tried what I suggested above in a batch file, I was just writing the 'code' from memory so it may not be 100% correct batch file syntax etc but it gives you the idea. ;)

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:44 am
by simpsons99
After I record the Inp I name it .. Why am I being treated Like I am new to this?
Help a guy out do not give him the run around
Come on Guys

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:05 am
by mahlemiut
Because you're using it as if you are?

record.bat and playback.bat take a minimum of two parameters: game shortname, and INP filename. It is not intended as a quick double-click method of making an INP.

Open command prompt, change to the directory containing MAME, record <shortname> <INP filename>

Note that the batch file will add '.inp' to the filename for you.

It might also work from the Run dialog also, if you provide the full path to record.bat or playback.bat.

Otherwise, install QMC2, or install some form of Tcl/Tk and use ui.tcl.

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:25 am
by simpsons99
I just click record it pulls up a list of games I find the game I want .. I click on it and it loads it .. I credit the game up and play it ..

I do not understand using all this codes to load a game .. Just play it .

Re: Recent Verisons of Mame Recording problems

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:40 am
by mahlemiut
Which would be the menu that MAME gives you when you don't specify what game to play, largely there for dumb people who don't know how to operate a command line application. ;)

I'd guess something has changed in the order in which things happen, the INP file would seem to be created before game selection, or isn't re-created when the system is reset after selecting your game.

Now I'll just bring out a dev quote -- "You're doing it wrong."