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GnG : Something i've never seen before.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:21 am
by Francois Daniel
Hi there, i know its been a while i've got here but i've never kept my eyes too far of marp :)

So, i've just watch the new GnG inp made by dv. A great inp, this guy is really good. It playvback well all along, but i've seen something very weird juste before he lost his 5th life by a nasty Red Arimer. He fight it hmmm during 20 seconds (yeah its a great fight) i think, and 3 seconds before he die, the Red Arimer become a Grey Arimer. Maybe its just a graphic bug, but maybe its a reproductible trick, like the one with bats on Pifall II.

So i ask those who know very well this game, have you seen this before ? Do you know if its a trick or just a bug ?


Re: GnG : Something i've never seen before.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:59 am
by Die
Hi Francois. Let me be the one to explain...

The Red Arremers have two different forms, though most players only know one. If you fight them long enough (like 30 seconds or so), they'll turn white and become a little more aggressive. It's a rare case, 'cause chances are you'll die or kill it before those 30 seconds pass. That's why most players never get to see it.

Here's a Wiki explaining it a little better ->

Re: GnG : Something i've never seen before.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:20 pm
by Chad
I missed out seeing this, can anyone share a link to the recording that contains this Armerer change to grey so that everyone else who sees this message in the future can too? There is only one recording left un-bettered made in early December and this is one day later than Francois posted: ...

and he doesn't die by arrmerer at the 5th death. :(

DV if none of your currently uploaded (bettered) recordings have a 30 second battle, can you recall which game (gng,gnga,gngbl,gngblita,gngc,gngt,makaimur,makaimurc, or makaimurg) you uploaded the one (before you made a better recording) watched by Francois was? Then I can do some digging to find it.

Re: GnG : Something i've never seen before.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:10 pm
by Die
Hmmmmm... I believe it's my 1.081.500 score in World Set 1 (gng). It's already gone, since I uploaded a better one.

I'll check it out later at home, I never delete my old inputs. If I find it, I'll upload it to MegaUpload and post the link here.

Re: GnG : Something i've never seen before.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:12 pm
by Chad
cool, the file is still on marp but since the link is hidden if you upload a better score i'd have to edit your better score down then the old link will be revealed, and i can paste here, then edit your better score over it again. If you don't have it saved, then I will do that. or someone who has mysql/ftp access can probably find it with out the edit reveal hack.

Re: GnG : Something i've never seen before.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:11 pm
by Die
Allright. Though maybe it'll be easier for the viewers if I make a new input starting the game and fighting the first arremer for 30-40 seconds. If I succeed, I'll upload that instead.

I'll let you know in a couple of hours.

Re: GnG : Something i've never seen before.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:52 pm
by Die
Yup, indeed, it was my 1.081.500 old score in World Set 1. I just uploaded to MegaUpload. Here's the link -->

Just fast forward it until the score is around 1.080.000 at level 3-6 (F8 to set the Frame Skip at 11 and then F10 is the fastest way, just remember to press F9 and then F10 to return it to normal).