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.139 help

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:24 pm
by dickmoreland
I've been using .106 for a couple of years now. Downloaded it and got it set up using some tutorials over at TG. I'm at home sick today from work so thought I'd try and get .139 working cause there are some games I'd like to play that just don't work in .106. I'm having a very hard time figuring out how to make this thing work.

I created a folder called WolfMAME139 and downloaded the program. I got it up and running but no games. So I created a folder called Roms and stuck the Asteroids rom in there. It doesn't work saying that I need another rom of chd. Ok, so I loaded up Drakton. I can get that one to play but have no clue how to make a recording or even tell which rom version I'm actually playing. Are there any insturctions out there on how to use .139? Over time, I've pretty much figured out how to use all the options for .106 but .139 doesn't seem to work anywhere close to the same.

Thanks for any help.

I found the Win32 GUI version of .139 and that seems to be much more what I'm used to.

Re: .139 help

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:28 pm
by mahlemiut
If you want a GUI, then you can use MAMEPGUI, which is a standalong GUI that can be used with MAME or MESS (or SDLMAME/MESS or WolfMAME/MESS).

Re: .139 help

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:33 am
by Phil Lamat
Or if use Wolfmame (CLI aka Command LIne) open a windows "Dos command" and just type your command line.
Example :
mame drktnjr -record drktnjr.inp

(you will notice you have to put the ".inp" while recording which was not the case with wolf106)

Re: .139 help

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:35 am
by Phil Lamat
Or if use Wolfmame (CLI aka Command LIne) open a windows "Dos command" and just type your command line.
Example :
mame drktnjr -record drktnjr.inp

(you will notice you have to put the ".inp" while recording which was not the case with wolf106)

Re: .139 help

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:00 pm
by dickmoreland
I think I figured out the MAMEPGUI. I'll try and do another drktnjr recording later to test it out. Thanks for the help and I apologize for sending in a bad recording.

Re: .139 help

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:22 am
by Phil Lamat
No problem, your new input on drktnjr is fine.
Thanks for putting effort in updating your cfg