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Double Dragon Technique for ban?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:53 pm
by b_a_t
I've checked records for Double Dragon, and those highscores has been obtained using this glitch:
I upload two records for two differents versions of Double Dragon using this thing, but honestly I think this technique must be inlcuded in "banned tecnhniques" section. With this glitch is possible reach to 999,999 because even loosing lives by time-up, if you make enough fast, win a extra life every time.


Re: Double Dragon Technique for ban?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:21 pm
by Chad
From your recording it didn't look apparent that you could get 60k (an extra life) with in the time limit. But if 999,999 is possible maybe it should be banned. any other thoughts?

Re: Double Dragon Technique for ban?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:11 pm
by b_a_t
You can see In the akuma62's record for japan version, 60k is perfectly possible.

Thanks a lot.

Re: Double Dragon Technique for ban?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:30 pm
by mahlemiut
The Japanese can do 999,990, but I have yet to see this particular method gain enough points within the time limit to get there.

Re: Double Dragon Technique for ban?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:58 am
by zlk
I don't think the technique should be banned until 3 people max out the score. The Japanese record is 999,990 and hopefully we can see someone tie it.

Re: Double Dragon Technique for ban?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:03 pm
by b_a_t
The question is: Is this what you expect from the best ddragon player?

Re: Double Dragon Technique for ban?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:24 pm
by Chad
This is a question that I'd like to bring up more often: Is leeching at any level really good "action" to watch? I think the answer to that is always no. But, what the answer to the question about what will can the best gamer do? Probably the best gamer will put up a good score (leeching or not) what ever the current scoring method is chosen. But if the leeching causes the game to be infinite play (or max out the score) we've lost the ability to compete and we need another scoring method.

Now should we have a fastest finish split and a max score split for double dragon? The answer is probably yes, but we've never done that at MARP. HARP (a system for home console emulation games) has the ability to split a game into almost infinite scoring generes depending on how the game was meant to be played, or by time, or how much score you can put up.

We could put up a vote for double dragon here and ask people how we should score double dragon:

(1) keep it the way it is, use score and if it maxes out use 999,999
(2) add a time bonus for finishing to your score that is worth more than a million and goes down the longer you take to finish
(3) ...

I like the poll idea.

Re: Double Dragon Technique for ban?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:26 pm
by zlk
I expect the highest score possible from the best player. This has been done in Japan but not at MARP.

I think the poll idea is not a good idea until someone can demonstrate they can max out the score. It is not clear to me at all that anyone at marp can max out the score. Scoring close to 400k is STILL ALMOST 600k away from the world record. That is quite a difference. Imposing artificial scoring methods is premature at this point.

Re: Double Dragon Technique for ban?

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:54 am
by destructor
Almost impossible trick to found. Thanks for sharing this video.
ROM: ddragon

g) Max out the score in double dragon: $25
There is a trick to do this using only one credit and one player.