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How to play with tg settings?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:40 pm
by Tuncay
I see that Twin Galaxies is a major site/organization. May be someday, I want play with TG settings, but I don`t know how. Should the settings stored in a cfg file (if they are stored in that files)? Or every time I start to play a game, I have to set it in the menu of Mame? How are the TG settings stored and how to set them.

I want to be able to make a small archive of all TG settings I created, where I save them.

Re: How to play with tg settings?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:28 pm
by Chad

this is a quick and dirty list last updated 2004.

Re: How to play with tg settings?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:47 pm
by Tuncay
Thanks, but I know this already. In fact, as I read this, there was a tab in Firefox with that link already open :wink: . I have searched at this site, at TG site and with Google. I tried a bit with the dip switches. It saves the settings in an cfg file. Does these files affect the record or playback? If not, then I can archive these cfg files with official TG settings and replace them if needed. Or I am false? Would this be allowed?
Hope that I could explain well enough what I am mean to you. And sorry for my beeing as newbie. :oops: Actually, I just try to understand this.

Re: How to play with tg settings?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:53 pm
by mahlemiut
DIP switches are input ports, and are thusly saved in the INP file (except in MAME 0.125 through to 0.128, so beware of these versions). In general, .cfg files shouldn't affect playbackability, although they can in rare cases, which is why they are typically deleted. Of course, you'll need to keep the .cfg if you use non-default DIP switch settings, but is not necessary for playback.

For games that store settings in some form of NVRAM (.nv files) then you'll need to apply changes to the settings at the beginning of the recording. Note, that you should never, ever, press reset (F3) during recording, as it is not an input port, but a function of MAME.

Re: How to play with tg settings?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:39 pm
by Tuncay
Sorry if I ask here again...

... so my typical move (if I want play with TG settings) would be to replace romname.cfg with modified version and record the play. After that, others can play my record without the need of that cfg (at least in this context). At every new record try, I would delete the old cfg and copy the correct one to desired folder.

I am interested in a save scriptable solution. Thx for the answers. Is anywhere an archive of the tg settings as cfg files?

Is this correct?

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This file is autogenerated; comments and unknown tags will be stripped -->
<mameconfig version="10">
    <system name="ghouls">
            <port tag="DSWC" type="DIPSWITCH" mask="4" defvalue="4" value="0" />
            <port tag="DSWC" type="DIPSWITCH" mask="8" defvalue="8" value="0" />
            <port tag="DSWC" type="DIPSWITCH" mask="32" defvalue="32" value="0" />
            <port tag="DSWC" type="DIPSWITCH" mask="64" defvalue="64" value="0" />
            <port tag="DSWB" type="DIPSWITCH" mask="8" defvalue="8" value="0" />
            <port tag="DSWB" type="DIPSWITCH" mask="64" defvalue="64" value="0" />
            <port tag="DSWB" type="DIPSWITCH" mask="128" defvalue="128" value="0" />
Following are the official settings TG settings description for ghouls:

Code: Select all

Name of Game        Difficulty     Starting   1st Extra   Extra     Official
                      Level          Men        Man        Men        Romset
Ghouls & Ghosts       Normal         3       30,000   2nd at 60,000    Yes
            - Extra men at each additional 70,000
            - Allow continue: no
            - All unknowns: on
What about - All unknowns: on? Should I turn on all field named to unused in Mame?

Re: How to play with tg settings?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:18 am
by LN2
I wish someone at TG would take the time to make cfg files for all of their games they have tracks for.
it would be nice.

however, some games like robotron, you have to go into service mode to set the right settings...and since nvram use isn't allowed, you would have to set that at that start of each game you record....kind of a pain in the butt but there you have it. :P