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Playback with m35tg3b / Strange Magical drop 3 CM highscore

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:23 am
by Yatta_Yatta-O_o
Hello there ...
Im looking for a way to playback the game of the best scoreof Magical Drop 3 / Challenge Mode, which uses m35tg3b.
I found links for this version on this post however the downloaded files have bad CRC, and google failed me on this.
Anyways, if anyone can playback the record, tell me how ! : )

My goal is to watch the mentioned high score replay because I doubt it is possible to do 1,855k points at Magical Drop 3 in *challenge mode*.
AFAIK the uber-rare ultra-lucky best time bonus you can get from a single oppenent is 90250 points, the next best is 81000.
The 12th opponent is Black Pierrot (if you have at least 150kp) which is commonly known as undefeatable, since he teleports and cleans its table very quickly.

Altough I think it is not possible to do a 81kp bonus on every (11) character until Black Pierrot, even considering that the player did it, he should score arround 11*81 > 891k.
I guess this might either be a Survival Mode score, or a low difficulty settings game, or some kind of unallowed or unknown trick.

Anyways, cant affirm anything about the record until I watch it : )

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:20 am
by Chad
i think your best bet if you have a new ">win98" operating system you'll need to use this and also download the dlls which i can't find links for but i know they exist (searching for mame32 and zip or dll didn't work!)

Des knows these mame32 dll files by heart or was the one that posted them a while back. I think you'll need a zlib.dll and a midas.dll or something else but can't remember what.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:26 pm
by Yatta_Yatta-O_o
Thanks for the reply. Required files were audiow32.dll and zlib.dll.

I got both of them now, but when I launch the exe (relocated in mame32 folder) nothing happens, just an idle process in the task manager.

Did I miss something ? (more files required ? command line ?)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:11 pm
by Chad
here is the link for the audio dll (glad you already found it)

you might also need midas11.dll (couldn't find the link for it) or try to *backup* and remove or rename all other zlib.dll which might be confusing the old mame as shown in this thread


Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:09 pm
by Yatta_Yatta-O_o
Thanks a lot, I could watch the replay.
Seems like the dll tricks and *not* placing the old executable in my more recent mame folder was the thing to do.

Anyways about that replay ... well ok, I understand now ... theres another way to do big scores by doing huge combos (no noticable effect on the score before the 10th combo <_<).
Respects to Aaron Pieper who hit this impressive score, and sorry to have doubted him and indirectly the marp administrators quality of work.

Thanks again to Chad for his disponibility and patience : )

Now I have a new training to do ... to think I tought I knew this game @_@.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:46 pm
by Chad
that's great! We look forward to your improvements, i want to watch your current upload just haven't gotten around to it yet. Often times other's recordings can provide a wealth of information. Just to document for anyone also having the same problem, you just needed to extract

into a "new" folder and point the roms to the right place to get mame32 to work correctly. Was there anything other files you needed and could provide a link to them if so?

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:16 pm
by Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Yatta_Yatta-O_o wrote:Anyways about that replay ... well ok, I understand now ... theres another way to do big scores by doing huge combos (no noticable effect on the score before the 10th combo <_<).
SO THAT'S HOW! I mean I've nailed an 81000 once... usually the 70250, but I always aimed for speed over insane combos... but usually pique out around 8th or 9th...

And thanks for the detective work on getting this working. As a big fan of Magical Drop II and III, I definitely am happy to know I may be able to finally get some luck in seeing this and get my game to the next level.

Mr. Kelly R. Flewin

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:56 pm
by Chad
and yatta, don't forget to use wolfmame if you plan on beating the marp highscore, it's now a rule.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:54 am
by Yatta_Yatta-O_o
Yup Mr K, this was a mystery for quite some time to me as well. : )
It opens a new way of playing for us 'speeders', seems very frustrating as well tough, since its only efficient for the score after the 13th combo, and if you miss one before that, you most probably beat the opponent and go to the next, until you get to higher level opponents where tables arent so simple @_@

I guess you'd like to know how the scoring works on this : Ive figured each combo doubles the bonus points, for reference, the 10th combo is worth 6k points, the 11th is 12k, the 12th is 24k ... 14th is 96k. So, since the speed technique can get you arround 50-80k points per enemy, this combo technique is more efficient onfly after the 13th combo.

(I might be wrong by 1 combo, maybe it is 10th worth 3k, 11th worth 6k and so on ... in this case it is only efficient after the 14th combo, anyways its still gives a good clue)

Lots of training to do, but finding this new way of playing made me quite excited : )

Chad, thanks for the info. Now I remember seeing this somewhere in the rules, I'd forgotten. Ive tried to use wolfmame already with no success so far ... Ill work on that problem before trying to beat the high score, I promise : )
About the files for m35tg3b it also required zlib.dll, however I think the zlib provided by any soft will be ok, just make sure there is one in your system32 folder or in your m35tg3b folder.
In the end, my main problem was trying to use m35tg3b in the folder of mame32 .62 folder, and lacking the audiow32.dll. : )