Propose new system scoring in GNG. No more leeching...

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Propose new system scoring in GNG. No more leeching...

Post by Curtain »


(I'll try to speak english as well as I can 'cause I'm fench)

I'd like to open a new conversation about Ghost'n'Goblins (GNG) scoring system.

I'm fond of this game, but when I see plays from others, I'm a bit deceive.
Why ?
The system that was choosen with ghost'n'goblins encourage leeching and I think this is not the best way to make the show in this game.
Leeching appears to be something normal with some games like Rygar, because leeching is still very dangerous.
When you look the play of a "master" in gng, you sometimes fall asleep because leeching can last many minutes...
It's not very impresive to watch someone kill a thousand monsters without moving throughout the level...
Of course, players who made these highscore are often amazingly good, but I'm sure even them are bored with this system of play.
When I start a game with GNG, I'm thinking "oh, no... I'm going to leech and leech..." (and count lives ! :evil: )

Besides, there is a lot of technics that permit to avoid killing some boss or monsters.
For example, at levels 4 and 5, you can pass the two final boss without killing them. You just have to go back and the key will fall... This is not a very fighting solution and in my opinion, it doesn't show you're the best.

So, I think it would be more challanging to finish the game killing each creature and never avoiding fights.
I tried to think about a new system of play for gng that would bring a funny and exciting experience.
With rules that I suggest, the more you pass levels killing every big creatures and taking every statics bonus, the more you
will be rewarded. The score shown on the screen is no more important.

This is a one life play and leeching is banned. You have to go as far as possible killing:
- all boss creatures
- all vampires in all levels.
- all creatures tatooed with a heart on each arm.
- all skeletons (level 5/6)
- all trees and ghost from tombs at level 3

For each kill, you win 1 point. If you miss or avoid one of these creatures, stop playing.

Additive points:
- you earn one point for each ghost you kill when you hit tombs in the first level. (this make the game more interessant
because of the timer and some players are really skill with killing ghosts (not me yet))
- You earn 1 point when you have collected all statics items on the level (this rule force the player to go everywhere in the stage and so, to take risks)
- you earn 1 point when you take a 10k hidden bonus.

How many points can you earned in each level ?
- 1st level: 2 creatures (1 vampire and 1 boss). 1pt for statics bonus, 1pt for 10k bonus, 12pts for tombs
- 2nd level: 11 creatures (9 tattoed creatures + 2 big boss). 1pt for statics bonus.
- 3rd level: 13 creatures (3 trees, 3 tombs, 6 vampires + 1 boss). 1pt for statics bonus + 1 pt for 10k bonus.
- 4th level: 3 creatures (2 vampires + 1 boss) . 1 pt for statics bonus.
- 5th level: 14 creatures (6 skeletons + 1 vampire + 6 tatooed + 1 vampire boss). 1 pt for statics bonus.
- 6th level: 21 creatures (11 skeletons + 3 vampires + 5 tatooed + 2 big wampires). 2 big boss for 2 pts each. 1pt for statics bonus.
- Final level: you have to kill the boss for 1 point

Special rule: in the 6th level, the first two big boss can be avoided or killed for 2 pts each.

Details of statics bonus:
- 1st level: There is 7 statics bonus: part 1 = 4 part 2 = 3
- 2nd level: There is 15 statics bonus: part 1 = 5 part 2 = 6 part 3=4
- 3rd level: There is 10 statics bonus: part 1 = 4 part 2 = 6
- 4th level: There is 2 statics bonus
- 5th level: There is 8 statics bonus
- 6th level: There is 8 statics bonus

Well, I hope the discussion about the scoring system in GNG will be re-opened.
This scoring system doesn't pretend to replace the old one but could be played additionaly.

Thanks for reading this.
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Post by destructor »

1. Who will check these inps and count points?
2. Did you read current Special Rules for GNG? There is 5 lives limit for game. It's best rule and solve all problems.
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Post by AL »

1. Who will check these inps and count points?
Someone just released from a mental institution and with a bit of time on their hands. Thats who.


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Post by DaviL »

Please gimme a break!
The special rules were set to avoid leeching and is perfect.
Most of old arcade games have a leeching possibility. If this leeching in not infinite, to make the best score you must leech, or in a better word TO MAXIMIZE your times and your lives.
If not you must ban the score of every game.
If you don't like legal leeching please stop play old games!
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Post by MrBunny »

Maybe gng should be nominated for a Time Trial competition?

Time Trial eliminates leeching in all games, since it is based on lowest time to complete the game, and not on points. It is a fun update for old games, especially ones that take more than an hour to play due to legal leeching spots.

Also, instead of Time Trials forum, there could be a forum for doing different game competitions like the gng one above. You could do challenges on your favorite games like "highest score on level 1" or "lowest points for entire game" just like Time Trial forum.
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Post by Curtain »

I know there is a five lives rule but a new system scoring could bring a different experience of play.
Who will check these inps and count points?
I know this is a heavy task and I don't know if I could spare some time to do it myself.
If you don't like legal leeching please stop play old games!
This is rough. I didn't want to ofense anybody. I'm playing old games for many years now and I think I'll keep playing 'til I'm dead. Maybe like you. Playing old games don't means "leech" every time. There is different style of players, different ways to play and to have a good time.

Well, it was just a proposition. Ok, I'll keep playing with the actual scoring system.

Good play and thanks for your answers.
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Post by Curtain »

Thanks Mr Bunny for your advices. You're right.
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Post by DaviL »

If you don't like leeching, and want to see a PERFECT gng inp, watch this:
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Post by _Zaphod_ »

5 lives limit solves life leeching.

But note tha timebug (allowing INFINITE LEECH) is still banned!
(this is when you get frogged just as tie mends and you tunrinto a frog instead of dying, so the timer wraps around. this can be repeated indefinitely)
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