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kof2000 scoring

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 11:52 am
by Chad ... xlines=999

We all know the games scorring system leaves much to be desired but i'm polling here because of something that seems like a no brainer. Dix is a good fighter (even though his intro scenes seem to be pressed through too quickly for the archives) but if he can't beat zero (and finish the game) so his score shouldn't be higher than HUNTER's who does finish. So this poll will decide what to do with recordings which finish the game.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 1:31 pm
by destructor
No bonus.

Then we should change system scoring in almost every game. In many games player which finished game can be on position below player who did not finish game (example Toki, japan air-shooters with "special bonuses", Puzzle-Booble and etc. - almost all mame games). There is nothig strange in this that player who finish game has less points than player which didn't finish game.
We play for points and for show interesting things in game(how do big points), not for finishing game with show nothing interesting.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:23 pm
by Weehawk

Please read the announcement at:

As Regulation Coordinator, I would like to be informed before any poll affecting regulation play is created. Also, in general, the issue should be subject to discussion prior to the poll.

Since I have no other problem with this poll, I won't waste your time having to start it over again by deleting it.

And to the issue:
Chad wrote:...if he can't beat zero (and finish the game) so his score shouldn't be higher than HUNTER's who does finish
The game designers apparently felt differently. Where there is an in-game scoring system I am loathe to impose a different one without much better reason than this. I vote not to alter this game's scoring.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:30 pm
by Chad
good point, i didn't really think of this NOT being a fighter game and being like a finishing bonus, though it's really not that. At least in another game if you finish you at least get one point or a smaller bonus for killing the last few opponents, in kof2000 fininshing means nothing.

It really seems silly to have a final (full and difficult) round that is not worth anything good or bad, i.e. players who submit marp recordings for kof2000 will never have any incentive to even "start" the final zero round because it doesn't point up or point down your score totalled up before the final round. (should have explained that an earlier Dix recording was ENDED before even starting the Zero round, and the game's scoring system gave him the same score as if he would have just tried and failed or succeded in the final round, that might have been a more convincing point.)

As always, my motivation is purly to have better looking action recordings.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 11:19 pm
by Caseh
You should change the scoring somehow, I remeber playing KOF99 a while back. After the first fight I was able to get over 400 ability points and this went down as the game progressed. Simply put I could win a single match and take a possible first place, does that actually show skill? I know this is KOF2000 but it uses the same kind of system.

Mabye u should have the option of adding say 10 points per fighter that survives a round if you think that implementing a system that awards points for finishing it is uncalled for. If you win all 3 fights in a round without losing a player, then u gain 30 points, 20 if one player loses, 10 if 2 lose...u get the picture

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 1:56 am
by Chad
yep i agree, but i don't think the idea is out yet that this kof99 and kof2000 scoring system is bad enough to change. it seems obvious to me, of course, 1 against 5 doesn't help.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 4:30 am
by Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Chad wrote:yep i agree, but i don't think the idea is out yet that this kof99 and kof2000 scoring system is bad enough to change. it seems obvious to me, of course, 1 against 5 doesn't help.
I like it the way it is, as it provides a wonderful challenge to keep it going up, or reclaiming back from the brink of ech. I feel messing around with a game that already has its own scoring system, no matter how poor you feel it is, should be left alone. If this was like MK2 or such, where there was only wins, not points, then I'd dig... I think that could be how the other 4 people felt... but then this is mere speculation on the thoughts of others.. and I do understand your point.


Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 5:29 am
by BBH
Chad wrote:yep i agree, but i don't think the idea is out yet that this kof99 and kof2000 scoring system is bad enough to change. it seems obvious to me, of course, 1 against 5 doesn't help.
KoF '99 and 2000's scoring system IS shit and needs to be changed. How is a recording that gets a "score" of 400 on the first match and then immediately loses, a better recording than someone who finishes the game with a "score" of 390? It's the most retarded scoring system to EVER be in a fighting game, and shouldn't be used. Period.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:32 pm
by Chad
Tommi can you adress this issue. It was silenced by a 9 vote poll but clearly this is sickening when a 1 round finishing score recording can beat a masterfull recordings (but less score) by Doberman and Hunter (finishes but get the least score of the three). ... xlines=999

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:19 am
by The TJT
Ah, first I got a bit confused, before noticing that this is an year old thread, and there's a recent recording at top of kof99e

...And one year before, I think different scoring got yes'ed
...So I assume if we don't deal with this now, Chad strikes at 2006 again! ;)
Problem: maybe we get loads of "change this stupid scoring"-suggestions, and I get (more) mental thinking about them.
Problem: If best player at a game don't get first place.

So would it kill somebody??... if we just made special rules that you get extra 250 points for finishing the game(beating Zero)??? 8O :D

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:00 am
by Buttermaker
Matches won * 1000 + in-game score

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 12:01 pm
by Chad
oh my god, that is freaky i setup two different polls in two years and completely forgot about the first one which should have actually been applied! damn i suck. well clearly i agree with this poll (buttermakers suggestion is a good one too, but the final score is a lame value when the score can go down during the game, kind of why adding up the points after matches too makes a little more sense.


I say we just assume the first poll is better (more voters and a better final result) but we could do another one now to finalize things (then i'll end up doing yet another one in 2006. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:18 pm
by TRB_MetroidTeam
I think just sum the scores of each stage is the way.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:55 pm
by Chad
if it's only the sum of scores, the final battle would go unpointed, there is no scores for the final battle in 99.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:47 pm
by The TJT
Win fight=200 points
+ points that game gives


Dark side?