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Newbie here

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 12:19 pm
by Locut0s
Hi everyone.

I'm a newbie to MARP, well a newbie to participating on MARP anyway. I'm also not one of the "oldies" to emulation either, been with MAME and the emulation comunity since about 0.32 or something, and since I'm only 21 so I suppose I'm too young to really remember to golden age of video games, anyway I like to think I make up for it in enthusiasm. I can see that in the MARP rules that they suggest you don't post an .inp unless you think it has something to contribute to the community, well my video game skills are nothing much to look at to I don't think I really have anything to contribute, definitely nothing compared to most of the 1st placers on MARP, watching some of these inps is like watching someone play Rachmaninov at 10x normal speed wile balancing a chair on their head, especially some of the vertical shooters! Anyway just wondering if there are any other 'normal skilled' players out there who contribute.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 12:31 pm
by Chad
ALL are welcome. That rule is up there to prevent people from uploading anything and everything they record, and just wasting bandwidth when if they spent a little time practicing they could be a better. Just show some effort in the recordings and it'll be worth it for you and us. and don't forget to make sure your recordings playback on a fresh mame install (with out an nvram directory) this is a mame ACTION replay site not a hiscore/screenshot site, we take pride in having an archive of recordings that let you see HOW they got such cool scores.

Welcome aboard, and note there wasn't a 0.32 version because of the mame32 platform made them skip from 31 to 33 :)

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 12:40 pm
by QRS
My opinion is that if YOU feel that your score is great, upload it! Someone else might trash it or think it is amazing, but the main thing is that you have done your best :P

Just my interpretation of the MARP rules.

Welcome to MARP!

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 2:13 pm
by LN2
Exactly...if you have a score you are proud of and that is your personal best, then by all means upload it.

I think what that rule is trying to discourage is playing a game just a couple times, and submitting whatever score you achieved whether it's any good or not.

There are many "top" scores for rom sets here at MARP that overall really still aren't all that great...and can be fairly easily matched or beaten.

For other games, the scores are very impressive and many players maybe have impressive scores for the same game.

There are several "normal" skilled players participating and submitting scores to MARP.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 3:03 pm
by evil_angela
My own personal rule is that I don't upload a score unless it's worth at least 10 leaderboard points. It's sort of an arbitrary cutoff point, but it guarantees at least some worth for most games. This is especially true to me when I'm beating other scores by uploading mine - mine's at least as worthy as theirs was.

It also helps encourage me to get better, to make sure my scores stay worth at least 10 points. I've got a Gauntlet romset I'm still working at getting better at to replace a score worth less than 10, and I'm not giving up. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 4:40 pm
by SJK
am I normal skilled? and heya :)
most of my inps were quite poor when I first started to upload here though.


Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 6:29 pm
by AL
Welcome to MARP .

Welcome also to the 'normal-skilled' fraternity . I'm one of them . To hell with the 'elitists' :lol:

As said above , the whole idea here is to have fun , and enjoy your games . Doesn't matter if you don't beat any/some high scores . Once you are proud of your score , and it is your best effort , well then send it in !

The 'rule' in question IMO is to deter ' Alphabet Uploaders'....that is , people going through MAME by alphabet just to get Leaderboard points. Btw , Leaderboard points mean jack shit to most...( IMO ).

Ahh.....I wonder where 'N.Kosaka' , and 'A.D Sakuragi' have been hiding !!!
( Private Joke )

Welcome aboard ...

Cheers ,

AL ( The non-uploadable person......damned dial-up...)

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 1:29 pm
by xanadu71
Hi guy,

We're all normal skilled players but sometimes with some games, we're "super" players because we've found paths, tactics or whatever.
You can make same things.

and ENJOY !!!!

Re: Newbie here

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 5:17 pm
by Buttermaker
First of all: Ignore the leaderboard.
Locut0s wrote:my video game skills are nothing much to look at
Don't put yourself down.
I don't think I really have anything to contribute
I'm sure you have. I guarantee you that you can find a handful of games which you can be very good at.

Even if you find only one game you excel at you will have a replay many people will download for many years to come. That's much better than mass-uploading recordings for leaderboard points nobody will ever download.

Anyway just wondering if there are any other 'normal skilled' players out there who contribute.
Being "normal skilled" only means that you have no natural talent for video games. You can more than make up for it with effort.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:46 am
by Locut0s
Thanks for all the nice replies!

Currently I'm working on DoDonPachi, my best score so far is aroung 11,000,000. I came accross a few sites on the net that have improved my skills a bit, now all I need is practice practice practice. One site I came accross showed a screen shot with a score of around 121,000,000!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:59 am
by QRS
Why not take a look at the MARP first place then? A Japanese dude has finished both loops with a score of over 500mil! :P

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 11:53 am
by Locut0s
QRS wrote:Why not take a look at the MARP first place then? A Japanese dude has finished both loops with a score of over 500mil! :P
Just finished watching the inp. Could someone tell me how that is humanly possible!?!?!?!?! It's like watching Deep Blue play ;-)

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 12:37 pm
by Chad
Locut0s wrote:
QRS wrote:Why not take a look at the MARP first place then? A Japanese dude has finished both loops with a score of over 500mil! :P
Just finished watching the inp. Could someone tell me how that is humanly possible!?!?!?!?! It's like watching Deep Blue play ;-)
all it really takes is practice, and perhaps godlike skill, but most of it is practice i'll bet.

advertisement mode ON. sometimes that question could be answered by: The short cuts mame provides can give any average joe god like skills, i.e. using pause, autofire, and other cheats to make a recording go further than humanly. That's why marp stresses the use of a more secure mame that resists pausing and other things so a recording is more valid in the eyes of someone who might acuse someone of having less than god like skills and the ability to make a very high score. Barry has made a really cool mame that lots of people are using and since you viewed the dodonpachi inp that wasn't a secure mame you might want to check out the secure mame's which can be found here.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 2:01 pm
by Locut0s
Chad wrote: all it really takes is practice, and perhaps godlike skill, but most of it is practice i'll bet.

advertisement mode ON. sometimes that question could be answered by: The short cuts mame provides can give any average joe god like skills, i.e. using pause, autofire, and other cheats to make a recording go further than humanly. That's why marp stresses the use of a more secure mame that resists pausing and other things so a recording is more valid in the eyes of someone who might acuse someone of having less than god like skills and the ability to make a very high score. Barry has made a really cool mame that lots of people are using and since you viewed the dodonpachi inp that wasn't a secure mame you might want to check out the secure mame's which can be found here.
Thanks for the link, I know of this version of mame and the fact that it records more secure inp files. I'm not concerned about that inp being faked though, it looks real enough and, just barely, humanly possible that I don't doubt it. I was mostely kidding anyway. As you said most of it is practice, I can see how much of what he did could be duplicated with lots of practice up untill about the middle of the second loop from there on is where the "godlike skill" you mensioned really takes over hehe.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 12:27 pm
by Cicca
Welcome aboard, m8.... :D

Don't worry about your skill... I'm sure you'll find at least one, out of the 4000+ supported games, where you'll have somenthing to say.... :lol:


PS: 21...?! Really young... :wink: