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TJT's new Tron (set 2) high

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 4:59 pm
by Q.T.Quazar
I wanted to watch this but it desynchs for me in all 4 versions of alphamame .69. Is this a .63 timing problem? I'd really like to see this recording.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 5:00 pm
by Q.T.Quazar
All 4 versions meaning all 4 windows, non-GUI versions. Ihaven't tried alphamame32 and i can't use dosmame.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 5:03 pm
by AL
Well if you can't get it to work , well then I'm f***ed.......

Good stuff Tommi ! ( I wouldn't mind seeing those new patterns ! ).

Cheers ,


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 5:09 pm
by Q.T.Quazar
Same here. That's why I was so excited.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 5:46 pm
by NotMan
Q.T. Make sure you delete Nvram/Cfg files before playback. It works on Alphamame 69 (no GUI). Haven't tried on Alphamame32 .69, yet.

Congrats to Tommie (TJT) for 2 million pts on Tron. Interesting new pattern!


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 6:25 pm
by dbh
Great score Tommi!!

Your light cycle patterns look almost exactly like mine now :) Some of your tank patterns are quite different though. I don't remember if they're the same as what you were using at Funspot 2000.

I was able to view the .inp with AlphaMAME32 0.69-1 running on Windows 2000. I watched the first 200K using F10 for the less interesting parts.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 6:38 pm
by Buttermaker
Is this a .63 timing problem?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 7:06 pm
by zlk
Works perfectly for me in alphamame32. Great replay TJT.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 7:23 pm
by LN2
Yeha Tommy..nicely done(haven't watched the inp). What are you using for controls?

I have tried Tron and found it almost impossible to do the spider stage or the cone cuz of my controls.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 10:10 pm
by The TJT
Thank you guys! This was REALLY a milestone for me. I was starting to think whether my new patterns work or not, highest was hoovering for some time around 1,350M, :)

I used original Tron control panel with original spinner and joystick. Original wires too :) attached to keyboard encoder. Spinner works as ps/2 mouse x-axis, just attached mouse light detector circuit(no accel). Feel is EXACTLY same as at arcade cabinet.

Yes we had about same cycle patterns at funspot, except one that You go straight right against the wall(hah) -I used it back then couple of times when I was not sure which cycles were next -At that time I preferred so called "joystick magazine pattern" going first up then left. But I figured out later that if I start all patterns right I don't have to remember anything, just "pattern recognizion" and play.

Same with Tanks, now I start all tanks up! I don't have to remember which tanks are next, much more fun! I think tank patterns are now about as good I can figure out. There are parts from Esa's patterns, Joystick magazine and much my own. Important thing is not make any stupid mistakes like going wrong pattern, uhhh...happened sometimes.

This game there were 2 tank mistakes though; first one was simply because I made minor mistake and tried to correct it wrong way, next time I know better hopefully. Knowing how to correct small mistake is so important at Tron, and keeping cool. Second tank loss was total lapse of concentration after getting 2M, first I grouped tanks -then I tried to eat them :) Thats why this game is so difficult, need to be sharp all the time.

I must admit that I got the Idea not staying shooting spiders from you Donald. Don't shoot them mainly because it's booring -more fast and fun like this...Yes, it saves your skin sometimes too just to enter the cone, not try to fight yourself space for leeching. Maybe I should leave the uncertain diamonds alone too, missed one man because trying to get a diamond at "surrounded at start level", greed.
I think "surr...level" and X-formation level are the meanest ones.
Do you leave shooting spiders at any level Donald, when there's a nice tight bunch?

Only thing that has to be remembered now, meaning which level is next -is of course fast left cone after slow...But forget that few times anyway, but managed alive!

Might give a try to get little more at main romset when my forefinger dont feel so numb...If only can get to 2,5M "kill screen" fresh as a daisy.


Umh, was this about playbackability :)

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 10:52 pm
by The TJT
Ehh, about playbackability...I see that now there's special rule; play mame62 or earlier. Mame 63 issue means? Do I have to change version for main romset play? How many can not playback? 1?

What is latest TGmame?. Windows command line version 62 works fine sensitivity- wise. Is there alphamame 62?, link?

Mainly I mean, which version you recommend for Marp and TG...Should be windows command line ver, dont want dos sensitivity.


Re: Playbackability?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 10:54 pm
by LN2
The TJT wrote:I used original Tron control panel with original spinner and joystick. Original wires too :) attached to keyboard encoder. Spinner works as ps/2 mouse x-axis, just attached mouse light detector circuit(no accel). Feel is EXACTLY same as at arcade cabinet.
Cool...figured you almost had to have that type of setup to have the control needed to run patterns for Tron.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 11:13 pm
by The TJT
Yeps, but stupid PC thinks I played with mouse and keyboard :lol:

BTW, I used win command line version, and WIN98SE, I believe default config file too, sound on, used command -mouse. No nvram -have read only file named nvram(make nvram.txt, change name to plain nvram, make it read only) at mame directory, which prevents creation of nvram folder.

This 63 issue gets me baffled; Is it like 1 person can not playback game -game gets added to list :?: Soon we will have all the mame games under this rule. I don't get it. Tomorrow I'll be a good boy and read couple threads above this about it. Nighty night.


Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 12:23 am
by mahlemiut
It's an issue with some games that will playback on some PCs but not on others. It's cropped up since 0.63, where there was a change to the timing system, which tends to make you think it's related to that. Using the old timing system (-rdtsc on the command line) doesn't help. Buttermaker is in a good position to test these as he has one of each PC, one that will playback some of them, and one that will playback the others.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 12:27 am
by Chad
I'm creating the people/machine Set list, so we can get an idea of who's in which set with this bug. I've started it but i don't know everyones configs, If you want to help out just post there and i'll add you and your machine to the sets.
