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Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 10:28 pm
by zylquin
Rat wrote:Is someone going to post what the default settings for these games are ? if people have already changed settings for these games there is no way to know what default is unless you remember them.
Or you can delete the <romname>.cfg file in your cfg folder to reset a game back to default settings.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 10:55 pm
by Rat
OK thanks :)

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 7:37 am
by lagavulin
and final settings will come and will be published as soon as I have my 8 judges... Maybe it will take some time...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 8:50 am
by Skyline
Are there any other parameters that should be used for recording these games? Mainly, will we still have to record Dangun Feveron without sound to keep it from desyncing? ::scribbles the word "n00b" on his forhead with Crayola(tm) Magic Marker :D ::

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 11:46 am
by Chad
looks like that may be true, since the top recordings have NOSOUND notes on them. But this is a question you can ask a recording itslef, do you playback when recorded with sound on? try it. if not then the answer is "You have to record with sound off".

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 2:16 pm
by mahlemiut
AlphaMAME will record Cave shooters fine, with or without sound. I disabled the YMZ280B IRQ callback, as this is what was causing the desyncing. The YMZ280B was forcing IRQs at different times, when using different sample rates. The cost of this is that some sound effects won't play, but it's better than no sound whatsoever. :)

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:16 pm
by Francois Daniel
Dax wrote:
mahlemiut wrote:I wouldn't. I like the variety. Besides, crappy old games are what the Deca's for. ;)
Variety implies a little bit of everything. Only game here made before 85' is Ixion. And 5 of them were made in either 89' or 90'. You call that variety?! And where do you come off calling old games crappy? 8O What year were you born? Do you remember when pac-man came out? Arcade games hit rock bottom by 1987 because they started to suck(that and the console). Granted there are a slim few games post- 85' that are great. But on the greater whole? Nah. Thats why the industry died. Sorry but I gotta stick up for the Golden Oldies. Anyone else who remembers the birth of arcade games instead of arcade games remembering the birth of you, would agree.
I agree with QRS, and I see Pong release in arcade ;) Now I prefer 86-90 period and I can't play anymore on the golden age game (exceptions exists) because of their general little playability.

And if the industry died it's not only for this but also because games been more and more big and expansive.


Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:17 pm
by Francois Daniel
Blost wrote:Crappy controls, poor graphics, simplistic gameplay...
Those were the days :D
Exactly :)


Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 10:27 pm
by Dax

If games got bigger and more expansive, Ie. better than than older games seems to me the arcade business would be booming. When arcade games were fresh on the scene they were unique. Never been done before. Frontrunners, for the cookie mold cutout games of the late eightines-early nineties. Its like they ran out of ideas and decided to just go with Street fighter and all its progeny and spinoffs. Do you really know any arcade games that are deep and immersive and require complex input. I don't. Leave those to computer games. Mame emulates the arcade games, which are meant to be easy to learn, hard to master and above all else, to take your money. You can give them a graphical face lift, but to me, the controls remain fairly simplistic even for newer games.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 8:28 am
by Zwaxy
I have put the settings up on the T6 page for all but one of the games.

The last one needs adding, but almost everything is there. More just-in-time coding from the mostly invisible MARP founder and Python hacker.

Somebody will need to edit the news page around midnight to say that the tournament has begun...


Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 2:34 pm
by mahlemiut
I can do that, although it might just be a little late, depending on how late I am finishing work.