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Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:00 am
by sikraiken
BBH wrote:
JoeyL21988 wrote: Sure they are educational, but that's the worst part about them for myself. I continue to be at MARP because I know people like to watch that stuff; maybe they'll hopefully watch some of my stuff. The only other thing I use MARP for now is to compare my score against others.

And that pressure of playing, that's the best part of it for me. This summer I'll be working on DDP and DP (probably Ikaruga as well, but that's questionable) without any help, and I want to see how far I can get. I know people have figured out decent ways of chaining levels, but I want to figure that out all on my own, and I know I very well can, even if it takes me 100s of hours to do so. I know people have different views on this than I do.
Well, do you really want to spend hundreds of hours playing only those games? I know they are great shooters, but I tend to try out lots of games just to keep things fresh and not get burnt out on playing any one game way too much. But I can see where you're coming from... take Shock Troopers, that right there is the game I have probably played more than anything else in my life. I had to completely dissect that game on my own (mainly because nobody else gave a damn about it and it was impossible to find any in-depth information on it), so yeah I'm pretty proud of what I managed to accomplish on my own. But then there's Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad, I played the hell out of that and got my scores up to 14 million, and then I found out the Gamest record is 30 million... I thought I had the game pretty much entirely figured out but apparently I'm missing something. Any playing I've done afterwards hasn't resulted in a discovery of where these extra points come from, and I'm desperate to know. If there was a recording out there detailing how to get 30 million, I'd download it in an instant. I want to get the most possible out of the game and I've done all I could, I now want to see what I'm doing wrong.

That's it, I think I've said enough in this thread.
Well, I don't and wouldn't mind playing a game for 100s of hours. Between 2 or 3 shooters(as well as I might play a game here or there on the side), I don't think I'll get bored or burnt out.

Your Shock Troopers performance is nothing short of stellar, and I want to have something like that of my own.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:56 am
by LN2
BBH wrote: I had to completely dissect that game on my own (mainly because nobody else gave a damn about it and it was impossible to find any in-depth information on it), so yeah I'm pretty proud of what I managed to accomplish on my own.
EXACTLY....which is how I feel about most of my scores. if I had watched inps of other players then just copied them to get a high score it wouldn't be nearly as satisfying.

There have been a few of these odd games where I have watched the inp just to see how to play the game...cuz the demo/attract mode doesn't show squat and I have never seen the game before...and the goal isn't obvious in a few of them.

Actually for many other games I wouldn't mind watching an inp or 2 as well...cuz it wouldn't really help me do any better...but just see good play.

All this Reactor chat has me hungry to play some Reactor! I used to play that game a little bit...loved the game "music".

Reactor music

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:49 am
by JoustGod
Some might find this interesting if it's your first time to hear this. I couldn't upload the file here as the file size was just a tad over the 256k limit imposed for this board. However, if you simply download my "submission" to the K3 Reactor competition and change the file extension from .inp to .ram you'll hear Reactor music in a slightly different way. Especially the beginning portion.

Re: Reactor music

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:55 pm
by LN2
Is that "warning, your unstable." actually in the game, or did you add it from something else?

After that the rest sounded normal...although maybe a little longer than usual...would have to time that instruction sequence in the game.

I wish it was in something other than ram format though. It would be cool to get that over to mp3 or something similar.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:02 pm
by sikraiken
Interesting, JoustGod.

Rick, it sounded more like "Warning, core unstable" to me, not sure though. :D

I hate .RAM and all real media player files beyond all belief. But, I downloaded RealPlayer just to hear it. :)

BTW, I'm waiting for you Destructor. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:07 pm
by wuzel
bleh i have tottaly no time for playing :(
if i manage 2 socre sth interesting i think i would be a lucky shot :(
or nanni can have an easy round
so far my total number of reactor tries is 25 :( (5 2day at work :) )
last round number of pacman tries at wendnesday evening was about 200 :(

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:48 pm
by destructor
JoeyL21988 wrote: BTW, I'm waiting for you Destructor. :wink:
Bleh. I play, but with weak result :(

BTW. Good inp. High score after first stage.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 1:09 am
by sikraiken
destructor wrote:
JoeyL21988 wrote: BTW, I'm waiting for you Destructor. :wink:
Bleh. I play, but with weak result :(

BTW. Good inp. High score after first stage.

You better not hold back on me. :?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 3:19 pm
by wuzel
i got a q: is there only round 7 4 the final 2 or there will be a match 4 a third and fourth place????
final is not a place 4 me but i would like 2 play for a little more in this tournament becuase its my first and i got lots of fun playing it :)

2 NANNI: i m still fighting but your score is beyond my reach at the moment
the true combat begins tommorow afternoon after my work and the whole sunday is the battlefield :(
by now i played this games only a small number of 60 tires and without recording i managed 2 reach the 5 stage od this stupid wirhlpool :(

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 4:47 am
by Nanni
wuzel wrote: 2 NANNI: i m still fighting but your score is beyond my reach at the moment
the true combat begins tommorow afternoon after my work and the whole sunday is the battlefield :(
by now i played this games only a small number of 60 tires and without recording i managed 2 reach the 5 stage od this stupid wirhlpool :(
Im waiting :)
Yesterday i play a fast run for training and i got 118k :D but for some reason i cant submit (every attemp timed out) :( i retry later... and maybe i already have something better :twisted:

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 11:02 am
by wuzel
Nanni wrote:
wuzel wrote: 2 NANNI: i m still fighting but your score is beyond my reach at the moment
the true combat begins tommorow afternoon after my work and the whole sunday is the battlefield :(
by now i played this games only a small number of 60 tires and without recording i managed 2 reach the 5 stage od this stupid wirhlpool :(
Im waiting :)
Yesterday i play a fast run for training and i got 118k :D but for some reason i cant submit (every attemp timed out) :( i retry later... and maybe i already have something better :twisted:
if i ve made an reasonable score it can be posted just tommorow afternoon :(
2day is practice day. till the evening i want 2 see how 2 play this game not thinking about recording sth
by now 118 is far beyond my reach :(

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 11:17 am
by The TJT
wuzel wrote:bleh i have tottaly no time for playing :(
if i manage 2 socre sth interesting i think i would be a lucky shot :(
or nanni can have an easy round
so far my total number of reactor tries is 25 :( (5 2day at work :) )
last round number of pacman tries at wendnesday evening was about 200 :(
I think you overdid smilies, hehe :P

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 11:20 am
by wuzel
The TJT wrote:
wuzel wrote:bleh i have tottaly no time for playing :(
if i manage 2 socre sth interesting i think i would be a lucky shot :(
or nanni can have an easy round
so far my total number of reactor tries is 25 :( (5 2day at work :) )
last round number of pacman tries at wendnesday evening was about 200 :(
I think you overdid smilies, hehe :P
its only your imagination and your opinion :)
the yelow faces reminds me about the previous pacmania game :)
2 nanni : nice inp shoving nothing i dont beleive that your final game would be look like that but still very nice score :)
back 2 work :)

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 5:53 pm
by LN2
OWWW, my EYES!!! that yellow text color is horrible!

wuzel, you played pacmania 200 times to get the score you submitted? man, that's a lot of playing. I might hate the game if I played it 200 times in 1 week.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 5:58 pm
by SJK
LN2 wrote:OWWW, my EYES!!! that yellow text color is horrible!

wuzel, you played pacmania 200 times to get the score you submitted? man, that's a lot of playing. I might hate the game if I played it 200 times in 1 week.
I played the game that I lost in more than 200 times ^^