Allowing diagonals?

Discussion about MARP's regulation play

Moderator: BBH

Button Masher
Button Masher
Posts: 48
Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:57 am

Post by _Zaphod_ »

I agree with the keyboard diagonals are WAY harder then pad diagonals or stick diagonals camp.

The reason is the keyboard protocol.

I've noticed that many "hit two buttons at exact same time" bits are MUCH easier to pull off on arcade hardware then on a keyboard. You see on an arcade, the controllers are directly memory mapped. you press the buttons at he same time, both bits twiddle in memory and when the game gets around to reading it you got a simultaneous press.

Now the emulated arcade does the same thing. EXCEPT... that even if you press two keys at the same time, one always gets sent before the other.and no matter how close together you press them, there will be a time when the double button move will not coem out because one is recieved by the emulation before controller check and one after, and this is in circumstances where real hardware would always have the move come out.

Wier up your own keyboard hack such that pressing one button presses two keys. try and use it to get the move to come out every time. it will work on some games that are more lenient about those things. but others tha are really picky about the timing, even this "perfect setup" will fail.

Stickykeys in mame is supposed ot fix this little problem, at the expense of responsiveness.

Still it's har to say whatt is ok. Some games run on diagonals, but do not rotate the stick 45 degrees, and instead make you closew two contacts for diagonal movement. if a game does this, then the diagonal remap shouls be permitted on this game.
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