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Re: Gyruss - consider 5 man only rule?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:06 pm
by KIG666
simpsons99 wrote:well it should not be changed for any of the sets .

Most players only care about the Main Rom Set.
You have your point and that's fine but you don't play the game serious so why destroy it for the ppl that ask for a real challange ?

To marathon Gyruss is as fun as watching paint try. I could even do a little mini marathon on 5 lives but to use all ships is just B.O.R.I.N.G ......

I start to understand why ppl hate you LOL

You don't play Gyruss but you need to say something just for the sake of it. You know NOTHING about Gyruss or else you would not say it takes skill to earn extra lives hahaha

So do you start to play Gyruss now just curious ?

If not you should not even be heard just my opinion of course cause you can tell the different between tits and ass in a game like Gyruss ;)

Re: Gyruss - consider 5 man only rule?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:56 pm
by simpsons99
well thanks a lot!

I have played the game .. I know how hard it is to keep lives ..

I do not like seeing these rules being set for these games.. Just play the games and get a complete score .. If you do not like me then that's fine it's your choice..

If your not wanting to watch the game then do not do it.

I enjoy everything there is a art to staying alive and putting up a major score ..

There should not be rules that limit this from happening .

I'm not just saying this for this game ..

Yes I play all games seriously Thank you very much .
KIG666 wrote:
simpsons99 wrote:well it should not be changed for any of the sets .

Most players only care about the Main Rom Set.
You have your point and that's fine but you don't play the game serious so why destroy it for the ppl that ask for a real challange ?

To marathon Gyruss is as fun as watching paint try. I could even do a little mini marathon on 5 lives but to use all ships is just B.O.R.I.N.G ......

I start to understand why ppl hate you LOL

You don't play Gyruss but you need to say something just for the sake of it. You know NOTHING about Gyruss or else you would not say it takes skill to earn extra lives hahaha

So do you start to play Gyruss now just curious ?

If not you should not even be heard just my opinion of course cause you can tell the different between tits and ass in a game like Gyruss ;)

Re: Gyruss - consider 5 man only rule?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:30 am
by KIG666
simpsons99 wrote:Yes I play all games seriously Thank you very much

Be honest the only reason you played Gyruss was to go for one of those infamous super cheap 1st place scores again. :-({|=
The bootleg was perfect for you cause the *record* from tar was only 96k at this time......

BTW:You never touched it again after colman paolo uploaded his 1M INP why ? :lol:

You don't care about the game so imo your opinion is kinda hmm pointless here.

BeeJay already told you that it's piss easy to marathon Gyruss and that was most probably the main reason why he started this topic.

Many ppl like BeeJay, QRS, Zhorik, Marco Marocco, kernzy, Cicca, Chad agreed that a 5 men track would be a good idea.

Like usual you are the only one that is against limited lives :roll:

Like it hate it but many ppl would like such a track and I for my part really hope we get a 5 men Gyruss track soon would really love to go for a maxed out 5 ship record :D

Re: Gyruss - consider 5 man only rule?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:42 pm
by kernzy
personally, i'd like to see 1 man splits for big games.
any game that can last 3 or 4 hours should have marathon, tournament and 1 man settings.
that would light this place right up.

Re: Gyruss - consider 5 man only rule?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:56 pm
by simpsons99
When he posted that Million point score .. I stopped playing this because I was in a event with the game . Then the event ended . I just like the unlimited play.. I brought this up in here along time ago .

If you think the game is boring to play then do not play it.
KIG666 wrote:
simpsons99 wrote:Yes I play all games seriously Thank you very much

Be honest the only reason you played Gyruss was to go for one of those infamous super cheap 1st place scores again. :-({|=
The bootleg was perfect for you cause the *record* from tar was only 96k at this time......

BTW:You never touched it again after colman paolo uploaded his 1M INP why ? :lol:

You don't care about the game so imo your opinion is kinda hmm pointless here.

BeeJay already told you that it's piss easy to marathon Gyruss and that was most probably the main reason why he started this topic.

Many ppl like BeeJay, QRS, Zhorik, Marco Marocco, kernzy, Cicca, Chad agreed that a 5 men track would be a good idea.

Like usual you are the only one that is against limited lives :roll:

Like it hate it but many ppl would like such a track and I for my part really hope we get a 5 men Gyruss track soon would really love to go for a maxed out 5 ship record :D

Re: Gyruss - consider 5 man only rule?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:16 am
by KIG666
simpsons99 wrote:If you think the game is boring to play then do not play it.
I never said Gyruss is boring kid you need to read proper ;)

I said it's way too easy and boring on marathon settings but a unskilled pussy like you will never understand that :roll:

So basically you telling me I should not play Gyruss anymore if I'm not willing to play/waste 2-3 days without a break until I fall asleep/dying of boredom on waaaay too easy settings ?

Would be the same as you would suggest Usain Bolt quit running only cause he is not willing to run a marathon.
Ever heard the word VARIETY ?

Every marathonable game should have a 5 men only track as well. Only cause you the great simpson don't like the idea of tracks with limited lives is no reason not to add them.

Some ppl want test out how high they can push a score with just a few lives and that's why we should have such tracks on Marp as well.
For your pathetic Gyruss bootleg score give it up man we all know that you just played Gyruss for another cheap super easy 1st place score......

You play just for the leaderboard no effort at all most of the times if you would have scored at least 300k but 120K.........

Beat colman's score and prove me wrong a real gamer would do that 8)

You are what I call a leaderboard whore nothing else you play every crap just to climb a few places to let it look like you would be a great classic gamer......

Re: Gyruss - consider 5 man only rule?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:09 pm
by Zhorik
I've started a poll on this suggested change: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15277

Please use the poll to vote yes or no to the proposed change to add a special rule making the parent Gyruss romset a 5-man only track.
