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Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 12:46 pm
by Kale
Now seriously, would anybody mind to archive these games? A week is been passed and nothing has been done to it :x ... 6by%3Dname ... 6by%3Dname

(notice that jantotsu is actually a 4p mahjong game, so it shouldn't be archived)

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 2:22 pm
by Chad
Maws is an awesome guidline! Nearly all of us here want it to get done but there are only a few people that have access to change the system software and they do have their real life to think of :). I personally haven't heard from zwaxy (the person most capable to make the change) in over a year, Phil did he respond to you yet?

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 4:22 am
by Phil Lamat
Yes, I've caught Zwaxy 2 days ago on the chat, he said hello but was busy.
I've exposed him what we want ...
Kale, now we just have to be patient

Last time I talked to Zwaxy was 2 monthes ago, he helped me to fix some stuff.
But Chris has many things to do.
Did you know he recently travelled across the whole Europa ... with bicycle ?

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:26 am
by Zwaxy
Hi guys.

I just noticed this thread. Chad emailed me a link to it 2 months ago, but I somehow missed his mail until now.

I'm wondering about the categories of games. Would it make more sense to have tags rather than categories? The difference being that a game would only have one category, but can have several tags. This way we can have both 'shooter' and 'maze' for those games where you wander a maze shooting at stuff, for example.

I don't know if a database of tags like this exists that we can use, but the coding shouldn't be too much effort.

Let me know what you think. I'll check back in this thread.

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:52 pm
by Chad
yeah definitely category tags, we can start with unique category tags and later add tags where one game might exist in multiple categories. Make a game tag table that is not unique to game_Id. So there can be multiple tag rows per game_id. And have leaderboards based on tag ownership (or lack thereof)

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:19 pm
by Kale
Seriously: Do we REALLY need gambling inps?

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:28 pm
by LastNinja2
MAME doesn't emulate for gaming purpose, but for preservation. Not everything that's preserved has some gaming relevance, and i think that gambling games have absolutely ZERO ability required to play. I ultimately think that a site that archives game replays like MARP doesn't need stuff like that, it's only garbage.

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:37 pm
by Gaplus
"Yes, archive gambling games" :)

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:48 pm
by Marco Marocco
Yes, we can :)

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:32 pm
by Tafoid
I was encouraged to join the discussion and I have some opinions on gambling games which is probably shared by most legitimate gamers here.

Simply put, any scores for gambling games shouldn't be acknowledged or even retained. Why? The biggest gripe I'm reading about is the fact that it's a "cheap IN" for the leader board and overall scoring, especially with the number of clones certain gambling games have. This leaves the actual skilled gamers who have the prowess and determination to record scores for actual competitive games feeling cheated and slighted by a minority of users who have used gambling games to gain some sort of distinction for themselves. Gambling games, by and large, require little to no skill and are purely a practice of luck.

Gambling games shouldn't be the only games exempt from recording keeping on MARP. This list of games should also include redemption games (Example: Look at "fredmem" -*fredmem - It's a useless game to keep records on). I submit that all games which dispense any type of prizes (as it's score) such as coins/tokens/tickets or another currency should not be recorded or accepted here at MARP. It'll take work, initially, but it should be easy to maintain a 'ban list' of games which we do not accept scores. There is already a list of such games which are known not to work and thus are not accepted...

To me, it comes down to competition. Those game types mentioned above are not what people think of when you are having "high score" competitions. The minority of people who are willfully playing nothing but these games will just have to deal with it and let the self-regulating community (the masses) do what it needs to do to keep community happy. If I had my way I'd so something about Mahjong too .. but I'll keep quiet about that for now :)

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:48 pm
by Massimo Gaspari
These "games" are just a matter of luck, no skill from the player, just attempts to best combination.
Must surely archived ... and forgotten. :)

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:26 am
by RAX
It seems a good moment to do something :wink:

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:31 am
by ballas
RAX wrote:BUMP!
It seems a good moment to do something :wink:
If these games get Archived will the scores remain on the scoreboard?

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:59 pm
by mahlemiut
They'll remain available, they just won't be worth any points on the leaderboard.

Re: Gambling games, leaderboard points

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:27 am
by ballas
mahlemiut wrote:They'll remain available, they just won't be worth any points on the leaderboard.
Ok thanks. That's good.