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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2001 12:30 pm
by anonymous

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2001 12:30 pm
by Chad
I know many are down on Hisa for the elitist comments, but i
have to commend anyone who is challenged and acts the way Hisa does by
automatically attempting to rerecord and better their "challenged"
score: that's what game competition is all about. If anyone feels
their name has been tarnised to be cleaned or feels like their rights
have been violated in having scores challenged, they're in the wrong


Yeah it would suck if you honestly got a really high score that you
knew it would be really difficult to repeat, and someone challenged
you that you really didn't make it. But hey, why wouldn't anyone want
to better their score even if it was just to satisfy a tattle tale.
Of course the security of mame isn't quite up to par, so i would hope
challenges are honored with tg mame inps.


Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2001 12:30 pm
by Ben Jos Walbeehm
This sort of false accusation merits an instant apology to MARP in
general and Hisa-Chan in particular.


Ben Jos.


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 12:30 pm
by Guest
I would like to require the elimination of "this nonsense thread.<br>
I do not want any apology.<br>
virtualgaz, why not try to 20million with me?


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 12:30 pm
by [AgN]nebula.x - RA3, UT,
"This sort of false accusation merits an instant apology to MARP in
general and Hisa-Chan in particular."




Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2001 12:30 pm
by virtualgaz
Oh dear, look at all this lot.
The facts here are plain and simple, the recording I refer to has
firepower not possible from a human hand – especially over a 10hour
session and the bullet dodging is aided by slowdown or at least
pausing. I know Starforce better than most. I’ve been playing since
the day it was released and 4 or 5m is tops. My credentials? Have a
flick through USNVT journals (which became Twin Galaxies).


This ZAV / hisu / Novice guy sounds real stable – changing names for
spite, deleting and re-submitting scores under various names,
clogging up the message board with drivel. Yeah he’d be one to trust
alright. 20million on each to come? Great, whatever, lots of stilted
firing to avert Phil’s autofire software as well. I’ll take it all
back when his scores are posted on a TG beta.


As for the strange attitude of BBH (who sounds as if he was still in
nappies during the video game era) suggesting I’m sore about losing
a ‘first’ place (I assume that’s what ‘pissy’ would mean) – HA, GET
REAL SONNY this is kids stuff, the MARP world consists of a few of
the web’s mandatory obsessives and a mere handful of part time PC emu
players, of which probably only 2% actually remember the original
games, tapping away on dodgy keyboards in a nostalgic daze. We 70’s
video game exponents are here only as an annoyance to obsessive and
rude kids like you - popping up occasionally to bring you back down
to earth having experienced the real thing. You should’ve been there
for the real adulation – it was amazing. Have you ever played
Defender? Or any of the hard older/games? – I see from your tally,
not really. I also see you’re rather quick to jump in on a subject
with a pointless or snide remark – or is it in this case you’re
worried about scrutiny on some of your scores? Take my advice, get
out more and brush up on your social skills.


Well, until there is a level playing field and that Starforc INP is
dq’d or whatever, I ain’t posting no more which again further dilutes
MARP’s value. The ‘fun’ roots of MARP have gone.
Carry on squabbling.
Goodbye until then.


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2001 12:30 pm
by BBH
ohhh, this is gonna be fun.

"As for the strange attitude of BBH (who sounds as if he was still in
nappies during the video game era) suggesting I’m sore about losing
a ‘first’ place (I assume that’s what ‘pissy’ would mean)"


still in nappies during the video game era? You mean video games are
officially dead? That's news to me. Anyway, so why were you so hostile
towards Hisa? Suggesting he be *BANNED* from MARP for one recording
that you THINK contains autofire? I asked before, where is your proof
that he is cheating? Funny that you ignored this question so you could
get in more insults towards me.


"HA, GET REAL SONNY this is kids stuff, the MARP world consists of a
few of the web’s mandatory obsessives and a mere handful of part time
PC emu players, of which probably only 2% actually remember the
original games, tapping away on dodgy keyboards in a nostalgic daze.
We 70’s video game exponents are here only as an annoyance to
obsessive and rude kids like you - popping up occasionally to bring
you back down to earth having experienced the real thing."


Oh, now you're really showing your maturity. Ripping on someone just
because they happen to be younger. You think only 2% of the players on
MARP remember the original games? That's pretty funny.


"You should’ve been there for the real adulation – it was amazing.
Have you ever played Defender? Or any of the hard older/games? – I see
from your tally, not really."


- I've played a lot more than I've submitted for on MARP. Have I
played Defender? Yes. Have I played these "hard older/games"? Some of
them, yes. Is it my fault I was born too late to properly enjoy these
games? Does it make me less of a human being that I never got to
experience the boredom of marathoning Defender?


"I also see you’re rather quick to jump in on a subject with a
pointless or snide remark – or is it in this case you’re worried about
scrutiny on some of your scores?"


My god, you make absolutely no sense whatsoever. You're saying I make
"pointless or snide remarks" because I'm worried about the scrutiny of
some of my scores? What the hell? I'm not worried about shit, I've got
nothing to prove. But I would gladly get any of my scores on the real
machines just to shut a jackass like you up.


"Take my advice, get out more and brush up on your social skills."


This coming from a guy who thinks he's superior simply because he's
older. Well here's one thing I've even managed to learn in my youth -
assholes are assholes, no matter how old they are. You've proven that


By the way, your Star Force "credentials" mean jack and shit to me,
and Jack just left town. If you're leaving MARP, I don't think too
many people will end up missing your attitude.




Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2001 12:30 pm
by Novice@Team2ch
If you really want visit Tokyo,Japan. And tell me when you will
come.I can play it in front of you.(but it is not cheap.)<br>
impossible for you is not always impossible for others.<br>
TG record is not always world record.<br>
I can shot 12-15 times per seconds.<br>
the most important factor of this game is not rapid shot and
But PLANNING."What is the next to do".<br><br>
and world record of this game is 99,999,900.<br>not 10M but 100M.
about 16hours.


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2001 12:30 pm
by QRS
Why does it always pop up another "Richy Cream" when the (hopefully)
last one is leaving??


I though I had already seen bad attitude on MARP, but this is too
much.. Only one thing to ask.. How old are you VirtuaGaz?


I know of a 13 years old guy here at Marp that is ALOT more mature
than you.






Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 12:30 pm
by Kale
"of which probably only 2% actually remember the original games"???
TLS,Tipical Loser Statement.Just to say that I've played the original
Asteroids in my arcade(when i had an arcade:() when I was child,and
now I'm "only" 19.And Star Force too...<br>
I know AFAIK more games that are currently in MAME or not too,and I'm
not the exception.Still can't believe that you are an idiot.<br>
You are offending everyone here,starting from Hisa and his abilities
in Star Force.Sorry,but there isn't any autofire there.The fire-rate
is too irregular to be an autofire product,according to a rapid look
to the file.And,frankly,your abilities at that game simply sucks.I
know several people that have got more than just one million...<br>
Note for Hisa:if you want to play Star Force without the possibility
of pausing,and you can't run m35tg3,I can give you a tiny MAME .56
version,that includes only Star Force ,with a special trick that
makes only that version to playback.Just to make idiots shut up...<br>
Well,good 2002 to everybody!!!


Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 12:30 pm
by Mark Longridge
I don't think Hisa is using keyboard for MAME, correct? I know for
some games the computer keyboard is not as responsive has arcade
style buttons.


Anyway I think Hisa has some video tapes of the original arcade
machines, although I have not seen them. I'm glad to see Japanese
INPs at MARP. I've taped myself on original arcade also.


As everyone is in different parts of the world, verifying scores in
person is not very easy unless you are a millionaire. We have a
classic high score championship each year at Funspot in New Hampshire
in the United States, which is mainly for games up to 1986.


Anyways, Happy New Year to everybody :)


As for BBH (Matt) he is a very good player, and I am an "old" player
who played in the late 70's and early 80's. Games in the late 70's
were not all that great, to be honest. Mostly in that time is was B&W
arcade games and pinball. How many games are in MAME now, over 2,000?
No one is good at every game in every era. And Matt played games with
John Rhodes (JoustGod) in Las Vegas right? There is your witness :)


But although I believe Hisa is an excellent player, you have to
understand in North America a lot of magazines published scores which
are impossible, like 9 million on Dig Dug. Ask Tech-D, that score is
impossible. They were many other examples. That is probably why not
all scores are believed. But I think Steve Krogman watched some of
Hisa's tapes, so there is some verification there.


Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 12:30 pm
by BBH
yeah, JoustGod witnessed me get a "whopping" 23 million or so on
Shock Troopers a couple years ago... HAHAHA. Those were the days.
Although in all honesty, I was sorta rushing through the game, not
doing all the stalling I usually do


anyway, I'll be in Vegas again about a month from now :D


