Code: Select all
*** new games
acchi "Janken Game Acchi Muite Hoi! (Japan 1.3)"
airduelm72 "Air Duel (World, M72 hardware)"
asterion "Asterion"
bagnardio "Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain, older)"
bgareggat "Battle Garegga (location test) (Wed Jan 17 1996)"
bk3ssrmb "Bare Knuckle III / Sunset Riders (bootleg of Megadrive versions)"
bub8749 "Bubble Bobble (bootleg of Japan Ver 0.0 with 8749)"
crusnusa "Cruis'n USA (v4.5)"
ctainv "CTA Invader"
endlessa "Gundam Wing: Endless Duel (SNES bootleg, set 2)"
galpani2e2 "Gals Panic II (English, 2 PCB ver.)"
histryma2 "The History of Martial Arts (set 2)"
jojoba "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro 990927)"
jojobar1 "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro 990913)"
lkageb4 "The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 4)"
mastbond "Master Bond (bootleg of Secret Agent)"
meteorbl "Meteor (bootleg of Asteroids)"
midnruna2 "Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2 (AAA, Asia v1.10, newer sound program)"
nprobowl "New Pro Bowl"
olmandingc "Olivmandingo (Spanish bootleg of Mandinga on Galaxian hardware, set 2)"
pacmanblc "Pac-Man (Calfesa, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware)"
pacominva "Pacom Invader (set 2)"
panicprkj2 "Panic Park (Japan, PNP1 Ver. B, set 2)"
photoply2k1it "Photo Play 2001 (Italian)"
photoply2ksp "Photo Play 2000 (Spanish)"
photoply98sp "Photo Play 1998 (Spanish)"
polaris "Polaris (latest version)"
powb "P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (bootleg of US version 1)"
routexa "Route X (bootleg, set 2)"
sbubsm "Super Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing, Megadrive clone hardware)"
sf2ceb2 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, set 1)"
sf2ceb3 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, set 2)"
sf2ceb4 "Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Playmark bootleg, set 2)"
speedup "Speed Up (Version 2.20)"
ssib "Super Space Invaders '91 (World, earlier?)"
tecnodargr "Tecnodarts (Recreativos G.R. license)"
travrusab2 "Traverse USA (bootleg, set 2)"
wldgunsb "Wild Guns (SNES bootleg)"
*** changed short
airduelm72 -> airdueljm72 "Air Duel (Japan, M72 hardware)"
dbreedm72j -> dbreedjm72 "Dragon Breed (Japan, M72 hardware)"
jojoba -> jojobaj "JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990927)"
jojobar1 -> jojobajr1 "JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990913)"
photoply -> photoply2k "Photo Play 2000 (v2.01)"
speedup -> speedup12 "Speed Up (Version 1.20)"
*** changed both
crusnusa -> crusnusa44 "Cruis'n USA (rev L4.4)" -> "Cruis'n USA (v4.4)"
galpani2e2 -> galpani2i2 "Gals Panic II (English, 2 PCB ver.)" -> "Gals Panic II (Italy, 2 PCB ver.)"
joustwr -> jousty "Joust (White/Red label)" -> "Joust (Yellow label)"
polarisa -> polarisb "Polaris (First revision)" -> "Polaris (first revision)"
polaris -> polarisa "Polaris (Latest version)" -> "Polaris (second revision)"