Code: Select all
*** new games
aligatorp "Alligator Hunt (protected, prototype?)"
animechmp "Anime Champ (GCA07 VER. JAA)"
bigrunu "Big Run (11th Rallye version, US?)"
bridgec "Bridge Challenger"
checkc4 "Checker Challenger (model ACR, 4 levels)"
cobracomjb "Cobra-Command (Japan, bootleg)"
ddpdojp "DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (Japan, 2002.04.05 Master Ver, location test)"
europl01 "EuroPlay 2001"
ffightblb "Final Fight (bootleg with single OKI)"
franticf "Frantic Fred (Release 2)"
frontlin "Front Line (AA1, 4 PCB version)"
galaxyx "Galaxy X (bootleg of Galaxian)"
gbbchmp "Great Bishi Bashi Champ (GBA48 VER. JAB)"
gijoeua "G.I. Joe (US, UAA)"
goori "Goori Goori"
gulunpa "Gulun.Pa! (Japan 931220 L) (prototype)"
gunsmokeg "Gun.Smoke (Germany, censored)"
invadpt2a "Space Invaders Part II (Taito, smaller ROMs)"
jmpbreaka "Jumping Break (set 2)"
jurassic99 "Jurassic 99 (Cadillacs and Dinosaurs bootleg with EM78P447AP)"
mastfury "Master's Fury"
mimonkeyug "Mighty Monkey (U.Games bootleg)"
mkartagpc "Mario Kart Arcade GP (Japan, MKA1 Ver.C, update)"
mooncrstu "Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu USA, encrypted)"
mslug5b "Metal Slug 5 (bootleg)"
pang3b3 "Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 3)"
pbillrdbl "Perfect Billiard (bootleg)"
protenn "Pro Tennis (Japan)"
rdft2s "Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Switzerland)"
route16 "Route 16 (Sun Electronics)"
scontraa "Super Contra (set 2)"
scrpndx "Scorpion DX"
sf2ef "Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910411)"
speedrs "Speed Race (Seletron / Olympia)"
strahljbl "Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (Japan, bootleg)"
themj2 "The Mah-jong (Japan, set 2)"
tnk3b "T.A.N.K (bootleg, 8-way joystick)"
turbob "Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev C)"
vanguardg "Vanguard (Germany)"
wofpic "Warriors of Fate (bootleg with PIC16C57)"
wofr1bl "Warriors of Fate (bootleg)"
xmenua "X-Men (4 Players ver UEB)"
*** changed short
franticf -> franticfa "Frantic Fred"
mooncrstu -> mooncrstuu "Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu USA, unencrypted)"
turbod -> turboe "Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365)"
turboc -> turbod "Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev A)"
turbob -> turboc "Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev B)"
xmen -> xmenu "X-Men (4 Players ver UBB)"
xmene -> xmen "X-Men (4 Players ver EBA)"
*** changed both
elevator -> elevatora "Elevator Action (5 pcb version, 1.1)" -> "Elevator Action (EA, 5 PCB version, 1.1)"
elevator4 -> elevator "Elevator Action (4 pcb version, 1.1)" -> "Elevator Action (BA3, 4 PCB version, 1.1)"
frontlin -> frontlina "Front Line" -> "Front Line (FL, 5 PCB version)"
route16a -> route16b "Route 16 (set 2)" -> "Route 16 (Centuri license, set 2)"
route16 -> route16a "Route 16 (set 1)" -> "Route 16 (Centuri license, set 1)"
tinstar -> tinstara "The Tin Star (set 1)" -> "The Tin Star (TS, 5 PCB version)"
tinstar2 -> tinstar "The Tin Star (set 2)" -> "The Tin Star (A10, 4 PCB version)"