Old Wolfmame Programs

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Old Wolfmame Programs

Post by simpsons99 »

Looking for a little freed back or what others do with Older Wolf mame programs ... I have been keeping them to have mame programs that i can fall back on if another does not work for some reason .

But since these are updated now almost every month .. I have quite a bit of them stored on my computer ..

What does everyone do? Keep a few different wolf mame programs? or remove the old ones and only have the new one?

Just wondering .. thanks everyone for the responds
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Re: Old Wolfmame Programs

Post by Kale »

For current WolfMAME cycle (0.18x) I just keep all the .exes in one folder, with one generic mame.ini that disables nvram/diff folders and points to where the roms are located.

For anything older that can't read some of the current mame.ini settings (like 0.140) I have a separate folder, with an extra rompath parameter for rollback stuff.
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Re: Old Wolfmame Programs

Post by BeeJay »

I do it slightly different to Kale so that the record/playback works more easily for me as follows:

1. Everything is on an external USB drive so I can use it across multiple machines.
2. In the root is a "Mame" folder
3. In the Mame folder I have a roms folder that are as required for the latest release, as well as the various shared directories such as \inp etc.
4. If there are older versions required for older releases, I use romsXXXX where XXXX is the last version where those older roms were valid. eg: roms0106
5. I have a WolfXXXX folder for each version of WolfMame and I then use the "..\roms" style notation to make the paths in the ini file relative so that it doesn't matter what drive letter gets assigned to the USB drive when it is plugged in. Where a given version needs a specific rom version, I put that into the roms path before the default ..\roms in the ini file for that WolfXXXX folder so that it finds the specific rom first.

I do it this way so that the record/playback just work without me having to say provide the Mame executable name for the relevant version as an additional parameter to the record/playback batch file.
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