K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by BBH »

LastNinja2 wrote:I haven't joined the tournament because i had not enough time to play and, honestly, because i don't like to play in tournaments in the first place. Nevertheless, i was honored to be part of K7 and to play against you in the finals.

That said, i think that your retirement choice in this final round is almost an insult to the coordinators and to the players that you defeated during the competition. All the players have dedicated a lot of time and passion to the MAME Knockout 8 and it's simply not right that BBH, who proved once again to be the most well rounded arcade player, just gives the win to a random player who only had the luck to not engage him in the previous rounds. I would never, NEVER accept a "victory" like that.

If you are tough enough to reach the finals of the biggest, most prestigious arcade tournament of the entire Internet you have to find the time to play and to honour the competition all the way. You don't like the game? Try it at your best. I think that's the minimum sacrifice required to show respect not only to the people that worked to put the tournament together, but also to the players that fought at their best in the past rounds.
Perhaps you missed this - I have already stated that I do not have the time to be playing games this week because of something's that come up in real life. I do not wish to discuss it because it is a private family matter that is of no concern to anyone here.

You think I actually like the idea of giving up in the final round? I don't, but I have little choice. I have already stated that it is not my intention to insult the coordinators. See, here's the thing - when I do play a game in a tournament I want to get a score I'm happy with. If I spend 1 hour playing Pipe Dream, I'm not going to have a good score that would win the tournament. shoe-sama has more than enough time to learn the game, that much I'm sure of. Any time I put into playing this will ultimately be a gigantic waste in the end, so I would rather cut my losses. I would rather have no score at all than go down with a bad score that I would be capable of beating any other time. Asking the coordinators to change the rules and delay the tournament finals just to fit my schedule?? That would be amazingly selfish, and doesn't really work seeing how the final game was already announced, thereby giving shoe extra time to play the game if he so desired.
Kale wrote:So no, you can say whatever you want right now, you can't change my disappointment for the worst MARP tourney final ever AND my disappointment for praising somebody in all these years and then discover that perhaps it wasn't really worth it.
Where was everyone to get outraged when SprintGod never submitted a score in the finals of K4? Why do I get all the hate?


But hey, guess I lose people's respect for choosing family over an online MAME tournament.
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by LastNinja2 »

There were so many options for you.
You could have asked for a week suspension of the tournament to the coordinators and shoesama. This is the final round, so i think that an agreement was in the interest of everybody and that it could have been easily reached.
You could have played in the little spare time you had in the week, sending every replay you could, than wait for the end and write "I had little time to play this week but that's no excuse. You defeated me. Congrats champ." And, by the way, that's exactly what happened to me in K7: i've had a serious family issue during that week, i had little time to play but i've used it to the max and then i admitted my defeat to you. Maybe i could have done better if i could have played a little more, maybe not. But that's the way long tournaments go: you can never know what happens.

I'm not saying that you must play at any cost, real life issues can happen and i have too much respect for you as a player to think that you gave the win to shoesama as a gift on purpose. I'm only saying that, in my vision, you have chosen the worst possible option you had to put an end to a tournament which was put together by some good guys that have spent time and efforts on it.
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by zlk »

People should give BBH a break. He has won lots of events, done a ton of stuff for marp and finished Total Carnage on one credit. If he says he can't play, I am sure he has a good reason and thats enough for me.
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by Kale »

Ok, so you can't criticize me at all because I've did hundreds and hundreds of good things on MAME and MESS, I might even go killing or raping now ...

Oh, Jesus Christ. :roll:
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by TRB_MetroidTeam »

TRB_MetroidTeam wrote:PS.: I continue waiting for a nice final or semifinal against BBH and/or The_Pro and/or Destructor, for example.
Just to clarify: I would like to se a final or semifinal like: BBH vs The_Pro, The_Pro vs Destructor, or Destructor vs BBH. Historically saying.

Let's take it easy, guys!
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by sikraiken »

Telling him to just play while you don't even know what he is dealing with is not a solution. I'm sure BBH knew his real-life situation would happen. Yeah...

Maybe this Final can be postponed and at a later date, BBH and shoe-sama can play a different week with a different game.
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by shoesama »

The real K8 finals: BBH vs the whiner(s).
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by shoesama »

also i fixed the error in my table
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by sikraiken »

Kale wrote:I feel like ripped off right now. Presumably I've lost two months in playing videogames that MAME and MESS community could have benefitted for more developing from my side if I only knew of this farce ending.
I'm also suspecting that you were going to "find the time" if I was on the finals, but oh well. :roll:

"Congrats" to the king of lamer for winning K8 anyway.
Kale wrote:Ok, no effing way I'm going to play this. Have fun. :twisted:
Hey, you're still in the tournament technically. I feel pretty ripped off that you won't play for third.
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by shoesama »

It's ok, he's a MAMEdev.
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by Kale »

sikraiken wrote:
Kale wrote:I feel like ripped off right now. Presumably I've lost two months in playing videogames that MAME and MESS community could have benefitted for more developing from my side if I only knew of this farce ending.
I'm also suspecting that you were going to "find the time" if I was on the finals, but oh well. :roll:

"Congrats" to the king of lamer for winning K8 anyway.
Kale wrote:Ok, no effing way I'm going to play this. Have fun. :twisted:
Hey, you're still in the tournament technically. I feel pretty ripped off that you won't play for third.
I think I don't intent to partecipate at all on the 3° place final unless I actually like the game, have better things to do in my life.
There is a fucking difference in declaring forfeit BEFORE that the game has even selected. And from somebody who declares jack and shit and then don't do anything I can't accept life lessons, thank you.
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by sikraiken »

You didn't forfeit. You still left it open to "unless I actually like the game." You said "I think..." That's a big difference. You're funny.
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by Kale »

I have thousands and thousands of motivations that I can put there, all good imho. First one that comes to mind is that you can't even imagine how many people asks for MAME/MESS dev requests on a daily basis, including two guys that got the nerves in asking stuff right on Sunday evening near the K8 semifinal deadline.
Losing another full week with a pointless 3rd place final isn't really into my priorities since it doesn't really change anything between being third or fourth. That "if I actually like the game" means "if the game is inside my gaming todo list" (that is even public, go figure). If it isn't == forfeit.
"I think" ... you really want to do logical analysis on a phrase I've quickly written when your comrade putted on that assy password crap? :roll:

Please find another guy to try to sound "smart". And it's kind of lovely that you are directly attacking me instead of trying to find a way in defending what your mates did in the last week ...
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by Kale »

And, honestly speaking, this discussion is starting to become boring beyond universe limits, "my actions", "your actions", "his words", "you did this or that". :x
I can't believe we are still talking about it ...
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Re: K8 - Round 6 - Pipe Dream (pipedrmj)

Post by sikraiken »

I didn't realize this tournament was just about competing for first. Third and fourth are different places, I'm sure others would have appreciated that opportunity. Does getting first in the tournament really "matter" either? While you have plenty of motivations, you entered this tournament. I'm basically using the same logic seen elsewhere in this thread of "well, it's a slap in the face to (insert person(s) here) so no excuses," which is dumb. Honestly, if BBH or any other person just didn't care to play anymore, I wouldn't mind as a tournament organizer. That's their choice. I wouldn't even care if they had a "good" reason or not. Get over it.

It's a tournament, and while I don't necessarily agree with holding on to scores, ultimately, he had a higher score than you, and that's all that matters at the end of the round unfortunately. I don't think I have to defend anything else; I said what I thought about everything BBH said, which BBH can defend himself anyway, and sometimes shoe-sama can be a goof-ball, but I'm not here to defend that.
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