1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

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1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by ZID »

In Track and Field, PAC used tgmame63 and in tgmame63 there is one option in dip swichtes named "Run Like Hell". This option is default ON.

But PAC didn't know this!!!

Now, in wolfmame 106, don't exist "Run Like Hell". The reason for moved the track and field score to 0 is correct and logical, and PAC is agree, but in 1943 PAC don't use autofire, you are in a error. And 1943 replay has been confirm 1 month ago!! This is an incorrection
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by Chad »

Confirmed scores only mean confirmed scores. Confirming does not mean it is a legitimate legal recording. It just means it playsback to the correct score. Since it is more difficult to check autofire, we can't check all recordings for this.

I did not check if RLH bits on or off. All I know is that something other than human presses were used to fire in PAC's 1943 and track+field recordings. The signature of both of these recordings is identical for one funny aspect, why would PAC need to press as rapid in 1943 as you do in track and field????? 1943 doesn't fire nearly that fast so you don't have to press as fast as possible like PAC is doing to fire fast in 1943. It is 100% clear and undeniable that humans fingers alone did NOT press the buttons on these recordings. If all the proof you have is someone's word that they only used their fingers and did not map multiple keys to one key, I fear you are being mislead.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by ZID »

Chad wrote:Confirmed scores only mean confirmed scores. Confirming does not mean it is a legitimate legal recording. It just means it playsback to the correct score. Since it is more difficult to check autofire, we can't check all recordings for this.

I did not check if RLH bits on or off. All I know is that something other than human presses alone were used to fire in 1943 and track+field recordings. It is 100% clear and undeniable that humans fingers did NOT press the buttons on these recordings. If all the proof you have is someone's word that they only used their fingers and did not map multiple keys to one key, I fear you are being mislead.
Ok I think that you are wrong.

PAC fingers' can press the buttons on 1943 replay. What is the result in this replay? I want see it. Then, I will explain PAC that he must make a new replay of 1943 and make the same (only the 1st stage), but this time recording in video his fingers.
You will can see that you is wrong this time
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by Chad »

Certainly, please post a video with a clear video screen along with the keyboard/buttons that are being used along with the inp file that was recorded. It will analyze him either pressing normally with the included inp, or if he is pressing too fast he will have been him mapping multiple keys to one key. I'm positive of this fact because the human press signature is undeniable. But many questions still remain, why would someone press as fast as possible (as fast as track and field requires) for a shooter that doesn't require extremely fast shooting? And why would someone press normally for rtype not using their autofire mechanism at first? This is because someone is using a mechanism to press fast not using their fingers.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by ZID »

I say record in video his fingers but in new replay.

I know that PAC don't make fake replays.

EDIT: PAC play with a standar keyboard, always.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by Chad »

It's not a fake replay, it's that he is using an autofire mechanism or mapping multiple keys. It's that simple. Also have him record another rtypej recording and we'll see how it compares to his normal press one... Eventually he will admit he was using something, it's ok, just start using fingers and the recordings will be accepted. no worries.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by ZID »

PAC is agree. He acept recording a new replay in INP and simultaneosly whit a camera, his fingers on the keyboard in video. You will can see that you ara wrong and that PAC not use autofire.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by Chad »

Yet something more wrong with PAC's 1943 recording. There were two keys pressed at the same time for ALL presses (the fire key and another bit key were mapped together.) This is also against the rules, so even if he is proven wrong with autofire (which is 99.999% unlikely) there is already proof in the 1943 recording that keys were mapped to more than one key.

Just have PAC submit a normal key press recording with out any modifications, just like his rtypej, these are accepted and ok. I've been through these accusations many times, everyone who is in the cheaters camp believes them and thinks that they are the "best presser in the world." This is never the case because it is impossible for a human to press this way. Normally someone who is using autofire will deny it until they accept the fact that MARP is an even playing field and start submiting just regular recordings. Or they just leave because they were caught, i hope PAC stays.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by mahlemiut »

The simultaneous presses are for player 1 button 1 and player 2 button 1. So long as there's no advantage gained by pressing those two buttons together, then I see no issue with that.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by ZID »

In this moment I only can say that... PAC is a legal player. This is the true.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by Chad »

I agree about the 1rst+2nd player fire button mapped to the same key probably not being advantageous, but it's shady. Truth, It proves that PAC is trying to look for an advantage that was never there in the arcade. I still forgive PAC no matter what. He is a good player and we want him to submit legal recordings, some of them were already legal.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by IIOPAII »

He is one of our better veterans in Spanish tilts organized for retrovicio and if quereis the pondre know his(her,your) classifications in this thread.
I say this to confirm the validity of his(her,your) items(games), since the skill that pac demonstrates in the games cannot be concealed by the thought that teneis of that it(he,she) uses autofire.

Really estais "fucking(pestering)" a great player.

Only you have to see the others partys from PAC to realize that he is an honest player of MARP
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by Chad »

This is NOT the method I used for detection but it is clear way to see PAC's recording and not just glorify him from who he knows. In wolfmame there is an option called input view, you can invoke this option with the command line switch -iv 1. This lets you see the joystick movements and presses being made on the screen while playback occurs.

look at PAC's rtypej recording

http://replay.marpirc.net/inp/7/4/7/pac ... olf106.zip

wolf106.exe rtypej -playback rtypej -iv 1

Watch the "1" on the botton of the screen, this lights up each time the button is depressed. You see faster and then slower presses as he moves through the game.

Now look at PAC's 1943 recording

http://replay.marpirc.net/inp/5/6/c/pac ... olf106.zip

wolf106.exe 1943 -playback 1943 -iv 1

Watch the "1", at no time does the flashing of the "1" speed up or slow down, it is a constant rate of firing even for the very first pressing burst of the game. This is not human, This is not logical, to press normally one month ago and the press like a computer one month later on a similar shooter type game.

But this test above does NOT prove anything or NOT warrant disqualification alone. For proof, We analyze the presses at a signature level, for variance and standard distribution. This data is fingerprint against all other legal and known to be illegal recordings. And this 1943 recording clearly matches up with other recordings that were slowed down or autofire was known to have been used. The rtype recording matches up with all the other human press recordings at standard speed.

This is hard on PAC to admit, I know first hand. It can be devistating to have been caught. I used autofire in a recording, 2020bb to be exact for running, back before I knew autofire was to be disallowed. Phil Lamat checked it and disqualified it, I uploaded another recording with out autofire. And I was much happier. I urge PAC to just upload more games with regular play because this is supposed to be a fun place.
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by ZID »

Thanks for your time Chad.

The question is that everypeople can see it and anybody say that this rate don't is true, but everypeople (spaniards of retrovicio) know PAC and know that PAC is a very legal player and PAC don't use autofire never. He don't win anything. So, in 1943 PAC make this replay for a competition in retrovicio, not for MARP. The important question is to find another explanation for this rate in 1943 because to be affect personally PAC and his honour how legal player :wink:
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Re: 1943 - PAC ... this time is not autofire

Post by Chad »

True, i'm not disputing PAC's total honor, just two recordings I have seen. Even honorable players accidentally use autofire. We have one test that we use for disqualification, the analysis of button presses at a mathematical level. I would like to have more tests. This test has proven very accurate. I would welcome evidence against this test. So far there is none after 10 years of use.
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