TG Settings Again!

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Moderator: Chad

Mark Longridge

TG Settings Again!

Post by Mark Longridge »

Just to clarify one more thing...

I am using the original TG settings for games which are already
documented in the Twin Galaxies Book, but...


I'm imposing stricter rules for the mame section (as opposed to the
arcade section which is Walter's responsilibity). Basically I
am the emulator judge for Twin Galaxies, and really it's the only
area I care to judge, as it's the only one with absolute proof,
INP files!


These rules are:


No pirated Games.
No speedup cheats or other modifications from the original game.
Standardized Romsets and Difficulty settings.
No continues whatsoever.
Always start on screen number 1.


Hopefully, from what I'm told, the new Twin Galaxies site will be
all super-modern with the latest in web page features.



Stephen Krogman

My opinion on speed-up ver of Ms pacman

Post by Stephen Krogman »

Mark helped explain the rules for TG settings a little clearer. The only one I don't agree with is not being able to use the speed up method in some of the pacman related games. The original and the speed up ver. of let's say Ms Pacman are 2 different games. So therefore 2 scores should be allowed to be put in the next edition of the TG book. Yea, the speed up ver may seem to be easier then the original, but the 'grouping method used on the original, you can't use on the speed up ver. Thus making the game different in game play then the original. I have reached the kill screen in the arcade a few times with my best score being 837K, but not everytime I play it, I can reach that point. It still is hard at times because you have to stay alive with no sort of pattern or grouping method to use for over the 130+ screens.

It's not as easy as players think it is, otherwise there would be scores on the MARP page in the 800K range. I myself can't reach 400K because this is all I can get with a keyboard! A gamepad doesn't do anything for me, and untill I have the time to build my own joystick, I'll have to live with my 336,400 score for now.


Steve Krogman


FPS and TG settings

Post by Randood »

First I just wanna say that all this quibbling and dickering over TG is very good for developement of the high scoring community!!! I, for one, take my gaming in both fun and seriousness (jeez I musta put in a million quarters in those games) and would like to mame and this site develope into something larger than life. Nuff said on that.

Now for the nitty gritty :-/
Frames per second: Stephen you mention that your into the emulated games for TG because it is most verifiable means of proof of high scores. I agree, but it also offers the most opportunities for hackering and cheating :-( Right now I think the most obvious method of increasing ones highscore is playing at a much lower game speed. One more item that should be listed with TG settings for emulated games is the FPS currently being returned by mame at the closure of a gaming session (it would be real nice if it could somehow be built into the inp file).
This may sound like a pain, but come on get real! How many games out there play the same at different speeds. Smash TV plays pretty slow on my PII266 and I know my scores are gonna be better on it by selecting 16bit sound and video. Just sit back and rack up a huge score! >:-( I realize that some of the older systems may not be able to run the newer emulated games at 60fps but you have to have a level playing field for all gamers or else it's not true.


Ahhhhhenneyway that's my 2 nickels. Am I right or just venting?


