beating TG scores but using lower settings ...

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beating TG scores but using lower settings ...

Post by Krool. »

well, here is a good question...only coz it only just happened to me >(

my 1943 score using TG settings (difficulty 8/16) was beaten by someone using standard settings (1/16)...hmmmmm


um, maybe there needs to be some kind of rules set up for this kind of thing or just an alternate TG settings page listing all scores that used TG settings that go in for TG records/scores


anyone ?


re: beating TG scores but using lower settings ...

Post by Angry »

I've always felt that there should be a better sorting mechanism for scores that use TG settings (that differ from the MAME defaults). This could be solved by adding a checkbox to the score submission page to identify TG compliant scores.

(Since as far as I know, all submitted scores are stored on the server permanently...) the search mechanism would be able to display scores as either highest only (which would include both default & TG setting scores), or TG exclusive scores - eliminating scores that were not flagged as using TG settings.


I also have a question to the TG people (Cubeman), there are a great number of games that have no documented TG settings, how are the official settings to be confirmed? I have checked both Cubeman's list, as well as the 1st edition of the TG publication, yet many games have no documented settings. Steve Krogman seems to flag 100% of the scores he submits as using "TG Settings", yet there is no way to verify what those settings are (should we to assume MAME defaults?)




I'm just a lazy bugger....... so I use Mame defaults.....

Post by BeeJay »

But for games where people have used TG settings I will normally try to remember to lookup the TG settings for those games and use them.

But Angry is correct that Steve K always flags his as TG settings even for games that don't seem to have TG settings. So, 'fess up TGK - where do you find these mysterious TG settings ?!




PS: I will endeavour to remove my lazy streak from now on - although would it be worth investigating having a store of cfg files setup to TG settings for any newbies to MARP to make use of (and lazy buggers like me for that matter).

Stephen Krogman

Krool: I know what you mean...

Post by Stephen Krogman »

I understand how Krool feels about this situation. It basically sucks when you put up a kick-ass score set with TG settings and it gets beat by a player who used easier settings.

Here's by philosophy. Play the game on TG settings and share the fame of having your name and accomplishment printed in a book equivelant to Guinness for people to see all around the world! If I had a choice of playing the game really easy and getting a really high score, or playing a game on settings a little bit harder (medium setting) giving me a shot at getting my name in the TG book of world records, I think without being hesitant, I would take the TG settings and claim some fame.


nuff said! :)


Steve Krogman
