Dave's to be competing with MARP?

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Dave's to be competing with MARP?

Post by BBH »

In case anyone hasn't noticed the update on Dave's Classics, he says that he's going to be adding a recording archive for Retrocade, since apparently 1.1 lets you do that. That's all well and good, but then he says he's going to be adding an archive for MAME .inp's too!

I find this kinda ironic, since I originally found MARP (back when it was new) through a link on the main page of Dave's. And look how it's grown. :) MARP Forever!


P.S. Kudos Angry on that Frenzy score! I'm already working on beating it, though. ;)


yeah, daves vs marp ?

Post by KROOL! »

its totally dave tho, hes such a grabby bastard (bad luck dave lovers), i could see it comming from ages ago...i dont understand it at all actually, all he needs to do is add links to pages that already have them! only doing it to get more hits for his already bloated ego...

and yeah, i HAVE sent him an email telling him of a few pages (marp!)...so lets see what goes on from there eh ? probably nothing, maybe some leeching from pages to start up his page ? and if dave is in competition with marp, then hes in competition with TG & TGMAME (cubeman) pages...now lets see what will happen here ^_^


Unclassic Dave

Post by JSW »

I can't believe he's going to add MAME recordings.. it seems as though its just an excuse to plaster more of his UGO adverts all over his site. At last count I counted about 9 ads on his MAME page alone!

I definitely won't be submitting anything
