donpachi end boss question

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MARPaltunnel Wrists
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Post by zlk »

Today I got to the true last boss with no men and three bombs left. I used one bomb where I normally do when I have an extra one to waste. There were some nasty suicide bullets, so I used another one immediately after. I then got to the part where the boss does the 2nd spiral attack. I hid in the lower right corner as suggested by The_pro and as I have done 100's of times in practice.

The first ultra-fast large red bullet killed me instantly. 8O

There has to be a way to dodge this attack consistently or control what spots are safe. I guess I will have to practice more, or get there with at least one man left to finish off the boss.
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Post by The_Pro »

Huh, never happened to me before, that sucks.

I know another way to deal with that attack but it's a bit crazy. Get directly under him but one notch to the left or right to avoid his central bullet stream. If you are firing your laser it should hold back the boss's central laser beam just barely. Sometimes it breaks through if you are too much to the side, you have to make sure you stay under that blue laser. When the boss moves you try to move with him while staying under the laser but next to the central bullets.
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MARPaltunnel Wrists
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Post by zlk »

That method is extremely hard to do. It is also not clear that this method would work if his bullet pattern changes. Based on the fact that sometimes an area is safe and sometimes its certain death, the bullet pattern may change and maybe that method doesn't always work.

There has to be a consistent way of dodging this attack, or some way to tell what is going to work and what won't. The top a/b players all finish with 3 men in reserve, so something has to work. I am hoping that they don't save so many bombs they just bomb their way through this attack. To be honest, I have no idea how they do it.

There are some Japanese marpers who would know what to do. Maybe they will say something.
The infamous spiral attack.
The infamous spiral attack.
spiral attack.png (29.06 KiB) Viewed 6695 times
MARPaltunnel Wrists
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Post by zlk »

Here is an inp where the second hiding spot works fine: ...

Unfortunately, the rest of the end boss battle did not go so well.
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Post by The_Pro »

Congratulations on your latest donpachi inp zlk, finally finished. I couldn't believe your last life run, so many close shaves.

The 2nd hiding place worked but it was real close, I thought it had failed.
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Post by zlk »

Thanks for the nice comments The_Pro. The real close call is around the 3rd set of orange tracking bullets of the true last boss's final attack, somehow I went through them unscathed.

I hope someone someday can make a 40-50m replay. It would be great if INH ( ) hired professional players to make a video where they break 60m.
Last edited by zlk on Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
MARPaltunnel Wrists
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Post by The_Pro »

Interesting site, I might have bought something if I could make heads or tails of it. Japan would have a noticeable increase in GDP if they had multiple languages on their sites :wink: , they've got all the good stuff.

Ok, there's a few english ones, but never when I want said item.
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Post by dan »

And thank you for wonderful play. :D
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Post by destructor »

But zlk did't won bounty money. Too late :D
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Post by zlk »

Dan: Thanks!

Destructor: I am not eligible for my own bounties. The donpachi bounty for the "A" ship is still available if anyone finishes the game on one credit.
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Post by The_Pro »

The replay is at the superplay site now. There was no name so I don't know if you uploaded it zlk, just FYI in case you want credit as the author.
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Post by zlk »

I made and uploaded the video. In fact, I made all the donpachi videos on that site. The name will be changed soon.

Hopefully one day LAOS-長田仙人 or 一般人H.S will make a donpachi video. I would really like to see someone score 50m+ on this game.
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Post by destructor »

zlk wrote:Destructor: I am not eligible for my own bounties.
I know. It was joke only ;)
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Post by destructor »

I have question to you zlk. In your donpachi (japan) inp you made 61 hits at end of stage 1 and this number (61) is displayed in bonus counter in whole game. I thought that if hits are over 60 then highest hits are display in bonus counter. Yesterday I made 64 hits in the same place as you and nothing is displayed in bonus counter.
Is it trick? Or maybe MAME issue because I use wolf99?
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Post by mahlemiut »

I think it's up+start in-game to enable that feature. zlk will know for sure.
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