PERFECT Beta Alive! :)

Archive of the old message board

Moderator: Chad

Scott Vieth

PERFECT Beta Alive! :)

Post by Scott Vieth »

Well, the idea to keep betas around is meeting some criticism. Here's my new proposal:

** We need to set up a study to see how compatible movies are. We might not have to change or alter nearly as many movies as we think we do, if we see how compatible they are. If anyone would be willing to help me with a study, I'll be happy to run with it.






Keeping MARP alive...

Post by Zwaxy »

When I went to check on MARP this morning, it wasn't there.

Atila (of retrogames) tells me that his ISP has wiped his hard disk for him (nice, eh?).


I've got all the recordings uploaded up until around half way through October 29th (around 3600 of them) but that still leaves around 100 that I've lost.


I hope people have kept copies of any recordings that have been made since then, so they can be uploaded again when MARP comes back up. At the moment, I can't even log on to the retrogames server, so there's not much I can do.


I'm sorry I was so lax with the site backups - I'll get an automatic over-night backup in place, but that's not much use for the files that have just been lost.


I'll post here as and when MARP's back up.


