Keep Beta Alive!!!

Archive of the old message board

Moderator: Chad

Scott Vieth

Keep Beta Alive!!!

Post by Scott Vieth »

I don't like BeeJay's suggestion at all, and here's why:

* The final versions don't come out for 2 or 3 months inbetween ... in that time, very playable and stable beta versions do come out. To just discount these in the high score tables would lessen the fun.


* I think one of the most things about MARP is that you can jump in with a new game, get a high score up there, and have instant competition ... by the time that a new version of the final is out, that fun just won't be there.


* I would be willing to help with providing new game and renamed game entries ... I run Windows 98 and MAME like crazy! :)




keep betas alive

Post by Zwaxy »

I think BeeJay's opposition to keeping scores from all the various different betas is that it means you have to keep copies of all the betas around to play the recordings back with.

I agree that it's good for competition and level of interest to allow new games to be played for highscores as soon as they are playable. It's just that it's going to become more and more of a disk-space problem as the collection of old betas grows.


I think that was it, anyway...


There's no problem with generating the list of new games - that's just a few UNIX commands thrown together. I didn't put the beta 7 list up when I updated the page last night just because I didn't think anyone would be very interested, since beta 7's kind of old news now...
I'll add the list if anyone's interested.




Waste of time

Post by JSW »

What about the MARPers that have over a 100+ recordings, checking each and every one on a final release would be a massive undertaking-and futile in the long run as who's to say the inp file will work on the next final release.

I reckon it's best to leave the beta scores as is, the majority of scores on MARP are from beta versions anyway. If someone desperately wants to watch a playback of a certain game, they can download the corresponding beta from Chris' versions page.
