Recent website downtime

General discussion on MAME, MARP, or whatever else that doesn't belong in any of the other forums

Moderators: mahlemiut, seymour, QRS

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Recent website downtime

Post by seymour »

Some of you probably noticed that the forums weren't working for a little while recently. It was due to a massive DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack on the Dreamhost servers, directed at some unnamed website. Things have been fixed, though. And with their current plans for upgrading their systems, this should be less of a problem in the future. If you have more questions about it, feel free to ask.

Again, feel free to donate towards the hosting bill! :) Anything donated get applied directly to the account, unlike most other donation links you see around which just have the money sent via PayPal to the person doing the hosting, which they may or may not use for hosting fees. Also, if you sign up for hosting and use as the referral, 10% of anything you spend on hosting with Dreamhost gets added to's account. So you get to use a great web host, plus help out with :) (Thanks to Tech Knight for initially suggesting Dreamhost, even if I had been looking at it previously).
Chris Gushue
MARP IRC/Forum Maintainer
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