Rolling Crash / Moon Base (Two different games!)

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Rolling Crash / Moon Base (Two different games!)

Post by Thunky »

I always thought that Rolling Crash was known by two different names, but I just now discovered that Moon Base is a separate game! If you start the rollingc ROM and the hold the joystick left when dropping a quarter, it starts a Nichibutsu version of Space Invaders!

The readme in the ROM file mentions this, but there is nothing about this in MAME's gamelist file. What do you guys think about adding this to the MARP database, possibly as something like rollingc-mb?




oh yeah... :o)

Post by Zwaxy »

Thanks for pointing that out.

I've removed 'rollingc' and added 'rollingc-rc' and 'rollingc-mb' and uploaded a really ropey score for rollingc-mb.


I assumed that all the existing rollingc recordings are for the real rollingc game, not for the moonbase one - maybe i'm wrong. probably this game will be like the other dual game emulations and not play back properly anyway...


Now - wasn't there a new bowling game that needs splitting up, too?


