Chad,Mahlemiut please come in....

Discussion about MARP's regulation play

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Chad,Mahlemiut please come in....

Post by wrx2 »

You always said to me recording replay use alphamame to clarify my speed,this time I have already used for played one games(Flying Shark (World),but you are not confirm!Are you don't believe??? I feel you point exactly against person(WRX2) not things(replay)..........I feel very disappointed. I always said I don't need to use alphamame to record,it waste my time and your the further, I never use alphamame again!
Thank you for read my post!

And below message have been deleted,I don't know who editor do this..

This game have 4 clones, but another two clone have confirmed "11,000,010 &
5,640,340".why this two lower-score uncongifmed???? I use the same computer
"100%speeds" to play this 4 clones! [then prove it by using alpha mame, you
said you were going to do this. Are you affraid to do this because it won't
show your recordings at 100%? we ask this of you every time and you still
do not record with alpha mame. seems like you are hiding something, only
way to stop the acusations is to record with alphamame and continue to
record with it. -skito]
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Post by Barthax »

Hi WRX2,

I am a confirmer here at MARP. I am paid no money to perform this service - neither is anyone else here at MARP, confirmers, editors, from what I gather, even the owner(s) don't get any money from this site. It is entirely voluntary.

To understand why some scores get confirmed quickly and other's don't, please understand the following factors

- Each confirmer finds time of their own to watch these recordings.
- A confirmer may need to get hold of a new version of MAME for a new recording.
- A confirmer needs to get the ROMs required to watch a particular recording.

Now, do some confirmers have the necessary version of MAME to watch your recording? Yes.
Do some confirmers have the necessary ROMs to watch your recording? Yes.
Do they have both? Yes.

Do they have the time? Please look at the search engine of MARP - you will find some radio dials beneath, one of which is "games with unconfirmed scores". Try checking how many recordings are not yet confirmed. There are scores dating back several years which have not yet been confirmed.

All I ask as a confirmer: Please have patience.

Keep up the great scores!
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Post by zlk »

Hello WRX2,

Do not take it personally when a particular INP of yours is not confirmed. As a confirmer myself, I have limited time, and confirm what I can. You seem to think that your scores are not confirmed because you don't use alphamame. I can assure you that this is not the case. I have confirmed many of your scores, unfortuantely I don't have time to confirm them all. Please be patient, and don't take offense if a few of your INPs remained unconfirmed for a while.
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Post by kfx »

zlk wrote: As a confirmer myself, I have limited time, and confirm what I can.
With 1304 confirms last month, you must have way much more time on your hands than the rest of us. Great work, I bet that must be some kind of confirmation record.

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Post by wrx2 »

Thanks Barthax,I agree your suggestion,but some editors who not trust me,always said some replays have hiding someting or cheating....
and tell to me use alphamame to record again....first and second times I don't follow it,but this time I use 5 hours to record this game to prove my power,but him/her not trust me......I know a lot of editors are very busy,
I never said they are not confirm all of my replays,some replays of me are not confirm,and I haven't said editors not confirm my score just before,but why I post this message.....BECAUSE ONE OR MORE EDITORS EDIT MY REPLAY MESSAGE AND TELL ME USE ALPHAMAME..
now I do this,but he/she not check.....Is it playing me ? Ah.....Ah......
never mind.........anyway thanks your suggestion!
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Post by Barthax »

WRX2, if a recording comes in using AlphaMAME, then it is very likely to be 100% genuine. There is therefore little need for confirmers to confirm it - the fact it was *recorded in AlphaMAME speaks for itself*. ;-)

Just as another thing to understand (to help you with the editors): when someone new comes along & submits the amount of new scores that you have which enter at first place - that person is either:

1) Incredibly talented.
2) A moron that is cheating.

All new people that arrive at this site with the kind of record you have is very likely to be in #2 category. Now you have an AlphaMAME recording - you are definitely #1 category. There aren't many people in that category IMO. ;-)

If you were to increase your use of AlphaMAME, you will rarely have any problems with your recordings being DQ'd (human error is the norm).

Also for scores: where a score does not playback for one confirmer, it is mentioned on these boards. There will then be a discussion on whether the score plays back for others as well. In the end a decision will be made one way or the other.
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Post by LN2 »


I don't get your post at all...cuz in the comment description for that 1 submission you did with alphamame the confirmer said thanks.
[hey, how about a friendly 1rst place with alphamame instead of these newbie mame recordings to prove you are really getting these scores with legal speeds? -skito]~~~[This NEW record is use AlphaMAME32 0.64.3! -wrx2] [thank you!!!! -skito]
Don't you see the thank you added there from skito?

Geesh. That one was confirmed. I also see another alphamame submission you did that also was confirmed.

You must admit when you look at how many games you submitted first place scores for in such a short period of time it warrants asking for at least some to be played in alphamame.

You are new to MARP and immediately just start submitting tons of records you can't blame them for questioning them and asking you to use alphamame.

You have been submitting on average 2 new records a day for the past month. That's very odd over such a short period of time....especially given for many of those shooter games it takes a bit of time to play it out. You must be playing them several hours a day everyday the past month.

Personally I think anyone with a PC playing a game that plays well in the current alphamame should be using alphamame for record submissions. I play on a mac though so don't currently have that kind of option.

You will have some scores that perhaps don't get confirmed for a long time. It doesn't mean they aren't confirmed cuz something is suspected. It just likely means no one has yet watched your inp to confirm the score.

Even for macmame inps I have submitted that are cross-platform compatible I have seen 1 month go by before they get confirmed. It doesn't bother me at all cuz any confirming is a great service for the MARP community. They are all volunteers doing it as a service for the gaming community.
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Post by QRS »

oh well... if I got paid when confirming scores, I would not care..but right now.. CALM DOWN!!

What do you think we thought about you when we time after time asked you do record in alphamame and you did not do that? We where VERY polite even then... just because you have proven yourself to be a great player and not a cheater, it doesn´t mean that you are the first priority on this site. Just sit back and relax and your scores will be confirmed sooner or later.
Scream and shout about it.. well all I can say is that I will confirm them later then.. get my point? :)

Keep the goos scores coming.. BUT calm down and wait.. like we all do :)


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Post by Francois Daniel »

Barthax wrote:All new people that arrive at this site with the kind of record you have is very likely to be in #2 category. Now you have an AlphaMAME recording - you are definitely #1 category. There aren't many people in that category IMO. ;-).
I agree, I'm also a confirmer and my time is limited. I think one day I'll read your score on Fliying Shark, because you are the first of those great players with 'incredible scores' who post with it.

So, congrats and be patient. Maybe, your score had not be seen in the 'up' page when you posted it.

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Post by Dax »

Well I have more time than I know what to do with and am currently trying to become a confirmer(not one yet). Which will come in useul since Ive been accepted to Judge one of the T6 games. Not sure what happens if Im rejected?!? Will I be disqualified from the Tournament since I defaulted on being a Judge(through no fault of my own). There currently are no scores for the game Im Judging but I want to be able to jump on the stick once scores start rolling in. Help me out.

If Im accepted I'll be a confirming workhorse. Just give me a chance :wink: . Time is one commodity I have in large supply.
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Post by Chad »

dax you've got approval from two editors, so it's just a time factor. and you CAN be a T judge and not be a regular marp confirmer, but right now no tourney judge can confirm their own game's recordings (a bug soon to be fixed.)
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