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General discussion on MAME, MARP, or whatever else that doesn't belong in any of the other forums

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Post by Buttermaker »

It's quite amusing how MKL entertains the public with his stupidity.
And lastly, please someone help kkl
kkl: Go to MARP's help section and read the recording guide. If you use the provided batch file
you won't have any problems recording your games properly.
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that he has disqualified some of his recordings for no reaso

Post by kkl »

I simply made a question, I received an answer,
I said thanks and then i've gone. if I did not answer
to the question "why did u cancelled your scores?" , i have my reasons.
now i dont understand
why kale has translated what I have written on an other forum and why
he posted here without ask me before.
this is a really stupid and childish act for me. I am not a liar because i
didnt write
"marp disqualified my record with no reason" like
kale said,

<<.............that he has disqualified some of his recordings for no reason(when in reality he used NVRAM)..... bla bla bla>>

but i said "marp disqualified my record because it
needs the nvram (i just had some problems while
recording my inp file)
and now see in the first place a record of
600,000 (vampj)for me is ridicule".this is exactly what i wrote.
I do not have nothing against the players of
marp, but against his rules.
you know, marp is the point of reference for the hi scores.
marp is the most famous and important site. I said that here on marp
there are some good inps, but also some poor scores for many games
we take as an
example puzzle fighter 2x;
ok we dont look at gamest records becasue some times japanese
hiscores are really too hard to beat
now are scores like 200.000 or 300.000 a record?
not for me,pople should not upload scores like these
expecially on this site that,as i said before,is exactly the point of
reference for recordman and the most famous site on the net.
anyone who play this game for the
first time can make 300,000 just ending the game,belive me.
I didnt ever seen video or good inp about this game,i used to play
this game a lot,and finally i found the right way to increase my score

I'm not saying to fix a minimal score for each game
but i just think pepole should not send to marp
scores that are not HIscores

everyone here play (i hope) for fun
i play puzzle fighter since march and still today to improve my score,i
played it in the arcade too,
im not saying "every record should be 580.000 like mine",u know 430.000
isnt so bad,just dont upload very poor scores.
what about ssf2t scores like 300.000 or 900.000 ?

probably we have a different conception of the word record,
and this is the reason because I cancelled all my scores on marp and
i've gone.
on the emuita board we were just talkin' about the
various conceptions of the word record and I explained why
I deleted my records (we were talking about the double ko tecnique in
sf2 world warriors for the 2.400.000 gamest record)

so essentially i agree with
nearly all what gemat said

if we wanted to talk about this with marp users,we would written here,
but we didnt;this means that i want to talk about this just with the
others italian users on an italian board;can i do this whitout tell you
first?can i tell my opinion on marp on the italian board? so i think its not good quote our posts here cause we didnt come here
my english,as u can see, really sux
i repeat i just made a question here,had an answer,i said thanks. stop. i think im free to talk about everything i want on the italian board

adesso vorrei avere spiegazioni in merito da kale che nonostante reputi
merdoso emuita vedo che continua a frequentarlo e a leggere i nosrti post
tanto per iniziarte come ti sei permesso di tradurli?
se vuoi replicare fallo ora,visto che a causa del mio pessimo inglese non
riuscito a dire tutto quello che avrei voluto nel modo che avrei voluto,ma
in italiano cosi che noi diretti interessati possiamo leggere chiaramente
cio che hai da scrivere
altrimenti taci e non intervenire piu in questo thread[quote][/quote]
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Post by QRS »

I´m tired of this bullshit talk on this thread. People here on Marp are trying to help out with the problem. We are trying to explain the NVRAM problem and we are trying to be calm and gentle.

All you are doing is talking about how damn good you are at games and that a score should not be first because your score is sooo much better than ours.. so be it! I prefer legal score that one person can playback vs scores that don´t follow the rules on marp. If that does not fit your "highness" why not upload a score that is better AND follows the rules?

There are a lot of crap recordings at marp, but there are also a lot of great recordings. I bet you can trash them all can you? I will give no example, but a little hint for you ; there are other games than Neogeo games and and those that you play here.

Sorry that I get irritated, but I think I have been too kind to people that don´t deserve it.

Note: This is not a "all-Italian" generalization. We all know who I´m pointing out this too.

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Post by mahlemiut »

The Emuita forums are public, just because it's Italian doesn't change that.

As mentioned before, rules are there for a reason. If you don't like the rules, then feel free to discuss it here. You don't have to hide away on some foreign forum.

If you think some record is crap, then go beat it. Do something about it.

And most importantly, have fun. If you don't care about the leaderboard, then don't. Won't bother anyone else.
- Barry Rodewald
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Post by xanadu71 »

I'm agree with Barry at 100%. You think some record is crap so come on and beat it. You want competition so come on and play at WCC2.
But you're afraid because you can't reach first place. So....


You aren't agree with rules so make a site with your own rules and your own records
"Bury me with my money", Simon GREEDWELL from "SUNSET RIDERS" / Xanadu71=LeClaqueurFou WR attempts, follow me !
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Post by GHEMANT »

Quite apart from what you may have understood
(babelfish does not help much), I don't have to
justify myself for things I discuss on an Italian
forum. I haven't said anything behind anybody's back,
I was just talking on an Italian board to 5/6 other
people. It's just my thoughts, I'd never dream of
coming here and tell you how to run this place. If I
did, then you'd have all the rights to be pissed off.
But I did not.

So I take the opportunity to thank Kale who's the only
one responsible for all this mess. It's so evident
that he loves to see people fight each other.

BBH, you can't understand what I meant with
"sempliciotto" if you just use a dictionary, because
you don't know the contest in which it was said: I was
referring to your claim that Gamest records are made
with default settings whereas I know for sure that in
a great many cases they're not.


So I just wanted to say that you had made a naive
statement. Only that. As for the team-thing, I know
very well you're just one person. If you translate my
posts literally and without knowing me, it's obvious
that you'll misunderstand many things: for instance,
when it comes to records I use a challenging and
provoking tone *with everybody*, but it's just a joke,
y'know... no animosity is involved. But if you keep
analysing my posts, then you're likely to
misunderstand many other things.

Anyway, since I don't like seeing conjectures made
about me I think it right to tell you a couple of
things: if I posted few inps so far there's a reason:
3 years ago I would play up to 9 hours a day but now
my life's different and I have very little spare time
to devote to records. Years ago I used to make really
great scores on the Neo-Geo, but in order to obtain
such results now, I'd have to neglect my work and I
just can't afford it. That's why I only uploaded inps
of games that don't require great skills: it took me
very little time and effort to do that and that also
explains why I haven't submitted anything else since.
My past results (except for Metal Slug) are nowhere
near as good as Gamest's but they're in any case much
higher than those currently uploaded here on Marp (for
instance 1 Million at Top Hunter or 450.000 at Blue's
Journey). Also, I've probably played many of these
games way too much and eventually got tired of them. I
don't care about sending crappy scores to get more
leaderboard points, when I send something I want it to
be really special, something that shows all the things
I've learned in more than 10 years and the material I
gathered is so much that I'm writing a book. So if I
haven't done the things I've been talking about yet,
that's mainly because of lack of time.

BBH, you got pissed off for no real reason. Do you
really think I'd send you Takuro's DDP record if I
thought you weren't a nice guy? I only think that you,
like many other people here, care too much about the
leaderboard and sometimes you send inps that are not
up to your skills just to gather some more points.
Take for instance your Guwange inp: not that it's not
good, but why did you stop after that? Did you perhaps
reach your limits? I don't think so. Maybe the reason
is that you wouldn't get any more leaderboard points?

it's obvious that we talked about you in our forum:
you're the "capolista", which only means you're the
number one player in the leaderboard.
if you ask me, yes, I do have a few complaints about
marp: for instance, someone should point out the best
or most suitable mame version for each game. I sent an
inp at World Heroes a while back: the scrolling was so
fucking jerky I had to quit and the other versions I
tried didn't fare any better...
The same holds for Metal Slug: is there a mame version
where it runs OK, with sound on and without desyncing
when played back?

Anyway, I'll try to make something good but that'll
take quite a lot of time, for Metal Slug alone at
least 30 hours of practice and several week-ends...
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Post by BBH »

GHEMANT wrote: So I take the opportunity to thank Kale who's the only
one responsible for all this mess. It's so evident
that he loves to see people fight each other.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
BBH, you can't understand what I meant with
"sempliciotto" if you just use a dictionary, because
you don't know the contest in which it was said: I was
referring to your claim that Gamest records are made
with default settings whereas I know for sure that in
a great many cases they're not.


So I just wanted to say that you had made a naive
statement. Only that.
I read a post somewhere where Princess Silver said that the majority of records on the Gamest list were done on "factory settings". That's where I got that statement from, I sure am glad I got to take the blame for it. Take a look:

BBH, you got pissed off for no real reason. Do you
really think I'd send you Takuro's DDP record if I
thought you weren't a nice guy? I only think that you,
like many other people here, care too much about the
leaderboard and sometimes you send inps that are not
up to your skills just to gather some more points.
Take for instance your Guwange inp: not that it's not
good, but why did you stop after that? Did you perhaps
reach your limits? I don't think so. Maybe the reason
is that you wouldn't get any more leaderboard points?
There are many people in #marp that can testify to the fact that I've said many times that the leaderboard is stupid and flawed. If my .inps aren't quite up to the skill level that you think I'm capable of, well guess what, it's because I have little time to play MAME these days too. As for Guwange, I kept fucking up the chain on Stage 5 and my score wouldn't get any better until I finally connected it... and it's kinda annoying playing up to that part, losing the chain, and then realizing your score is pretty much doomed. Since I hadn't been making any progress on it, I decided to stop playing for a while. I would've liked to have gotten my score higher, but I'd already played a LOT of the game and felt I needed a break from it.

If I'm so preoccupied with the leaderboard, how come I keep playing Shock Troopers?
it's obvious that we talked about you in our forum:
you're the "capolista", which only means you're the
number one player in the leaderboard.
But the leaderboard is stupid! So why should I matter?
if you ask me, yes, I do have a few complaints about
marp: for instance, someone should point out the best
or most suitable mame version for each game. I sent an
inp at World Heroes a while back: the scrolling was so
fucking jerky I had to quit and the other versions I
tried didn't fare any better...
The same holds for Metal Slug: is there a mame version
where it runs OK, with sound on and without desyncing
when played back?
You think someone is going to take on the project of finding the best possible MAME version for 3000 different games? Keep dreaming.

As for Metal Slug, apparently playback is only smooth on MAME version with the disabled RTC, which are mame60 and mame61. Yes, that means they're much slower than any other MAME version, believe me I hate that too. The MAME team just enjoys making things slower and slower, so what can ya do?
Anyway, I'll try to make something good but that'll
take quite a lot of time, for Metal Slug alone at
least 30 hours of practice and several week-ends...
That's way more Metal Slug than I'd ever want to play.
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Post by mahlemiut »

MAME 0.60 and 0.61 should work fine with Metal Slug. As far as I know, it does not use rasters. World Heroes uses about 40 or so per frame to achieve the 3D floor effect (a la SF2). Galaxy Fight is the same, only much, much worse. My system is 950Mhz and Metal Slug runs fine with sound.
- Barry Rodewald
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Post by QRS »

So far I have only heard of one single person that is obsessed with the Leaderboard.. and that is Gemant..

Why do you keep talking about it all the time? No one else does.. except to tell you again and again that we might not care so much about it as you seem to think.

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Post by LN2 »

The only other thread I have seen about the leaderboard other than this one in the 3 months I have been participating at MARP is the thread where some were complaining that some on the leaderboards aren't individuals but are in fact teams so in their account preferences they should select the option to not participate on the leaderboard.

Personally I think the leaderboard means a bit more with a small change.

The change would be to have the MARP points but only give MARP points for the top 3 scores of each game. All other scores and inps for each game are still shown but not awarded any points. Then the points for the 2nd and 3rd places are still based on relative score versus first place person which is more fair to the first place player. This also makes it where anyone just submitting an average score likely isn't going to be in the top 3 to earn any points for it.

This type of change would be fairly simple to implement and give more meaning to the points earned. Many in the top 10 would still be in the top 10.

Just a thought.
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Post by mahlemiut »

It used to be that way, back in the mists of time... Scores calculated using 10 for 1st, 3 for 2nd, and 1 for 3rd are still listed on the leaderboard.

The main problem that I see with this, though, is that you get nothing out of a 4th or worse position, regardless of how close you are to the first place score.
- Barry Rodewald
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Post by LN2 »

mahlemiut wrote:It used to be that way, back in the mists of time... Scores calculated using 10 for 1st, 3 for 2nd, and 1 for 3rd are still listed on the leaderboard.
no, no. I mean by MARP points(based on TG) the 100 points assigned to first and points to second and third based on the percentage of the first place's score is as it currently is for those points, but only for the top 3 so if you are in 4th that gets a big fat zero hehe
The main problem that I see with this, though, is that you get nothing out of a 4th or worse position, regardless of how close you are to the first place score.
I have another twist to it below I think solves this poser/issue.

Perhaps instead of just places you could have something where if your score is less than half of the top score and you aren't in the top 3 scores then you get zero points. This would satisfy your concern where there are many good and close scores for a particular game that the guy in 4th or 5th etc. doesn't miss out...unless their score is less than 50% of the top score. However it also allows points to be earned if the top score is a phenomenal score that whoever is in 2nd and 3rd still earns at least some points based on relative score even if less than half the top score, but then 4th and beyond get zero points. If there are 10 submitted scores all more than half the top score, then all 10 scores earn points as they currently do.

Perhaps instead of that 50% criteria it could be 75%. It would definitely add a new twist and give the leaderboard points more meaning. That twist makes even more sense actually than what I posed in my last post.

This one is also fairly easy to implement. Just an if statement added to the points calculation.
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Post by mahlemiut »

Except that if you want to play Galaga or Gyruss, you're screwed unless you can marathon it for hours.
- Barry Rodewald
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Post by LN2 »

MARP should follow TG on games like those and make special rules for them as MARP already has for games like Q*bert so the 5-man only score is all that matters.

TG has 5-men Gyruss and Galaga categories. I was surprised to see MARP hasn't set those to 5-men only. You could review those inps for those games and reenter the scores for each based on 5-men so any current submissions are valid...just whatever they have on the 5th death is the score.

Those games are too easy anyway to allow someone to marathon it getting extra men forever...although there are a few even with just 5 men they can extend it close to what some would call a marathon. hehe
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Post by QRS »

Gyruss has laready been a 5-men only game with TG settings.

look here:


We just need to go trough the scores to see who played on correct settings etc. Also we need to add a something on the special rule link on that game.

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